Finals Week Prayers
Miracles Under Pressure
Late-Night Psalms
Graduation Vibes
Bible Brain Twisters

This patriarch pleaded with God not to destroy Sodom if 10 righteous people could be found.

Who is Abraham? (Genesis 18:22-33)


This leader struck a rock twice to bring water, but his lack of faith cost him entry into the Promised Land.

Who is Moses? (Numbers 20:7-12)


“O Lord, you have searched me and you know me” begins this psalm. 

What is Psalm 139?


“Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof” is from this book.

What is Ecclesiastes? (Ecclesiastes 7:8)


This is the name of Abraham’s second wife after Sarah died.

Who is Keturah? (Genesis 25:1)


This leader prayed for the sun and moon to stand still over Gibeon and the Valley of Aijalon during battle.

Who is Joshua? (Joshua 10:12-13)  


This prophet stretched himself over a widow’s dead son three times to bring him back to life.

Who is Elijah? (1 Kings 17:21)


This psalm prophetically describes the suffering of the Messiah and includes the line, “They pierced my hands and my feet.”

What is Psalm 22?


This patriarch dreamed of a ladder reaching to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it.

Who is Jacob? (Genesis 28:12)


This is the only Gospel to include the parable of the sheep and the goats.

What is Matthew? (Matthew 25:31-46)


This king prayed for his life to be extended, and God granted him 15 more years.

Who is Hezekiah? (2 Kings 20:1-6)


This apostle’s chains fell off in prison after an angel appeared and led him out.

Who is Peter? (Acts 12:6-10)


The line, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” appears in this psalm.

What is Psalm 118?


This Old Testament figure asked, “What is man, that you are mindful of him?”

Who is Job? (Job 7:17-18)


David’s grandfather bore this name.

Who is Obed? (Ruth 4:17)


“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” was prayed by this New Testament figure.

Who is the father of the demon-possessed boy? (Mark 9:24)


Who was bitten by a snake and survived, shocking the locals?

Who is Paul? (Acts 28:3-6)


The phrase “His love endures forever” is repeated 26 times in this psalm.

What is Psalm 136?


“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” was declared by this leader.

Who is Joshua? (Joshua 24:15)


This prophet’s writings are the most frequently quoted in the New Testament.

Who is Isaiah?


This prophet asked God to open his servant’s eyes to see a heavenly army surrounding them.

Who is Elisha? (2 Kings 6:17)


This prophet made a borrowed iron axe head float on water.

Who is Elisha? (2 Kings 6:5-7)


“You have made him a little lower than the angels” is found in this psalm.

What is Psalm 8?


This New Testament writer argued, “You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.”

Who is James? (James 2:24)


This is the only book of the Bible that doesn’t explicitly mention God by name.

What is Esther?