What was the name of Winston’s beloved cat in New Girl?
What is Dr.Lucas's first name?
What is the name of the President of the U.S?
Joe Biden
What movie has seven dwarfs?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Is CMU’s COM degree titles Communication or Communications?
What is Rihanna’s real name?
Robyn Fenty
Name one class that Dr.Lucas teaches?
Theory, Public Speaking, Lying and Deception, Research Methods, Dark Side of Communication, Principles of Interviewing, Capstone, and more!
Which COVID vaccine was just put on "pause"?
Johnson & Johnson’s
The song "Let it Go" is from what movie?
What is our university’s new marketing slogan?
"We do"
Which Avenger other than Captain America was able to pick up Thor’s Mjolnir in the Marvel movies?
What canal did a big boat just block?
Which Disney movie has a magic carpet?
hat is the name of the academic building where most COM classes take place?
Moore hall
What modern-day item made a cameo in the final season of Game of Thrones?
A Starbucks cup.
Where did Dr. Lucas receive her bachelor's degree?
Michigan State University
What's Olivia Rodrigo's biggest hit right now?
Driver's License
What is the name of Alladin's pet monkey?
What is the oldest academic building on campus?
Grawn Hall
In what year were the first Air Jordan sneakers released?
Name one of Dr. Lucas's hobbies?
Teaching, playing with pets, running social media, podcasting, being a friend, researching, TV binging, movie watching, advising, Athletics Committee, and many more.
What album did Taylor Swift just re-record and publish?
What is the name of the character that is a black fury dragon?
What Communication department’s office room number?
Moore 333