Ritually Fit For Eating
The greatest commentator on the Torah and Talmud, whose com- ments are always studied along with the traditional text
Brides and Grooms Custom to immerse in this body of water
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
The seven day period of mourning following burial, in which mourners traditionally stay home from work and receive guests
Am Yisrael
The Jewish People
What does Tikkun Olam mean?
Healing or repairing the world
The Blessing Before Eating Bread
Author of the medieval period’s greatest work of Jewish law, “Mishnah Torah” and the greatest work of Jewish philosophy, “The Guide for the Perplexed”.
What does the groom step on at the end of the wedding ceremony?
The ceremony for a baby boy, means "covenant"
Brit Milah or Bris
The anniversary of a death, marked by lighting a special candle and going to the synagogue to say Kaddish
Eretez Yisrael
The Land of Israel
Giving money to charity
Word for Un-Kosher
The chief of the Tzfat mystics, who composed the theory of God’s Shimon bar Yochai cosmic brokenness and our purpose on Earth to unlock the divine sparks.
Isaac Luria
Marriage document
Simchat Bat
The prayer recited by a mourner in memory of their loved one
The political movement, beginning in the 19th century,
for Jewish national self-determination in the
Land of Israel.
A Commandment, or good deed
A Dairy Product, not to be mixed with meat
The author of the most widely accepted code of Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch.
Joseph Karo
Means Congratulations! in Hebrew
Mazel Tov
Who officiates a Bris? (along with the Rabbi)
The community’s final way of showing “hesed shel emet,” true kindness to one who can never repay it
Theodore Herzl
This Jewish value means In the Image of God
B'tzelem Elohim
Food that is neither Meat nor Dairy
At least one of these men authored the Zohar, the chief text of Kabbalah.
Moses De Leon/Shimon Bar Yochi
What the couple stands under during their vows
The person becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah goes up the lead the Torah service and receives an ___ (means to go up)
The memorial service that takes place on Yom Kippur and during each of the Shalosh Regalim
What Year was Israel Born?
A Meat product-not to be mixed with Dairy
Hebrew word for "receiving" or "tradition", name for Jewish Mysticism.
Ceremony where the groom veils the bride
A chant from the Prophets
The ceremony upon the erection of the headstone, usually one year after burial
David Ben-Gurion
Kosher Slaughter
The mystical text said to reveal the secrets of the Torah
The Zohar
Ceremony where the couple exchanges rings-meaning sanctification
The student becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah will give a speech, usually based on their Torah portion, this is called giving a ___
Dvar Torah
A eulogy, delivered by a family member, friend, or rabbi
This body of water, located to the West of Israel is the lowest point on Earth's surface
The Dead Sea
Name 3 Rabbis/Cantors that have taught this course
Good job!
The Blessing expressing gratitude after a meal
Birkat-ha mazon
This tree like diagram represents the ten sefirot, or divine emanations
Tree of Life
A Divorce document
Jewish Prayer Shawl
The funeral prayer that asks that God shelter and protect the soul of someone who has died
El Maalei Rahamim
The Holiest city in Israel
Jewish Principle that encourages acts of loving Kindness
Gemilut Hasadim
In order to be Kosher, a fish must have these two features
Fins and Scales
The region in Europe where most Ashkenazi Jews lived during the Middle Ages
Germany and Eastern Europe
The name for the 7 blessings
Sheva Brachot
Once considered a Jewish adult, they can now participate in a ____or a prayer quorum
The thirty day period following burial, in which mourners may return to work, but refrain from most leisure activities
Official Language of Israel
True or False--A Convert's Jewish status is different from someone born Jewish
In order to be Kosher, a mammal must have these two features
Chews Cud and Split Hooves
This country was a major center for Sephardic Jews until the expulsion of 1492
A time for the newly married couple to spend alone time together after the ceremony
Two black leather boxes with straps used by Jewish Adults during prayer
The act of tearing a garment as a sign of mourning
This city in Israel is known for it's high tech industry
Tel Aviv
Name 3 ways to prepare before immersing in the Mikvah
Shower, Remove Nail Polish, Take out contacts, take off Jewelry, Remove make up
Which of these 3 birds are Kosher:
Vulture, Chicken, Ostrich, Goose, Turkey
Chicken, Goose, Turkey
Medieval mystics believed these two texts contained hidden codes and divine names
The Torah and the Tanakh
Jewish law of going to the Mikvah on a monthly basis
A person of quality-the embodiment of all the Jewish values one hopes to instill in their child/ren
A Mensch
The four categories of relatives that are required to observe the rituals of mourning
Parents, Children, Siblings, Spouse
The name of the conflict fought in 1967, where Israel fought against Egypt, Jordan and Syria
The Six-Day War
How Many Rabbis/Cantors will sit on a Beit Din?
Give me 3 examples of food that is NOT Kosher
Shellfish, Pork, Mixing meat and dairy
This language, a blend of German, Hebrew and other local languages, was widely spoken by Ashkenazi Jews in the Middle Ages
8th Day
The “holy society,” made up of volunteers who attend to a body following a death and perform the ritual washing (taharah) and dressing (takhrikhin)
Hevre Kadisha
The famous Israeli landmark overlooking the dead sea (it's quite a hike!)
Name the two classes we had since our mid-course review that are NOT a category in this game
Deep Dive: Antisemitism
Deep Dive: Holocaust
Match: Metal, Ceramic, Glass
If clean, it can be used for both meat and dairy and does not need to cleaned
Kashered by being immersed in boiling water
Once used cannot be Kashered (must use separate set)
Metal--Boiling water
Ceramic--Cannot be Kashered
Glass-can be used for both
This City in Norther Israel became the center of Kabbalah in the 16th century
When getting a divorce-the couple meets with 3 Rabbi's , this is called a ___(means house of judgment)
Beit Din
Give me 4 ways to raise a Mensch
Model Jewish Learning
Identify Jewish Teachable moments
Create positive Jewish memories
Make room for the Holy
What do we call the period of time between Death and Burial (the in-between)
What is Israeli Independence day called?
Yom Ha'atzmaut
How many steps are there to enter into the Mikvah and why?
Once in the Mikvah you will immerse how many times?
Seven. Symbolizes the seven days of creation.