I've got the HEART
Nurse's call the Shots
You have what
I assess it ALL
You are my priority

What manifestation would an infant most likely exhibit early on with Congestive Heart Failure(CHF)

Feeding Problems


Failure to Thrive


Name the injection site to administer influenza vaccination to a toddler

Vastus lateralis 


You are a school nurse, a 7 year old child comes with a small superficial burn.  What is most appropriate action to do first?

Apply a cool compress to the area


When a cast is applied to an extremity and the patient is complaining of sudden severe pain

Compartment syndrome


What is a nurse priority for a child with severe diarrhea

Fluid balance

Rehydration with electrolyte 

Depending on oral capabilities may have to IV therapy


Growth starts from the center and progresses toward the periphery or outside

Proximodistal development


What would you plan on administering during a well-child visit of a 4 month old (List 5)

diphtheria tetanus and pertussis DTaP,
Rotavirus RV,
Polio IPV,
Haemophilus infuenzae type B Hib,
Pneumococcal vaccine PCV


What do you expect to see in an infant with Congenital Hip Dislocation? 

Asymmetrical Gluteal Folds


You are a clinic nurse for a 6 year old post tonsillectomy 4 days ago.  You assessment findings is listed.  What do you report to the MD immediately?

Child is easily aroused but sleepy

Child is coughing 

Child temp 99.9

Child is swallowing frequently

Child is swallowing frequently which could indicate post op bleeding from the site


You are measuring output for a infant with severe dehydration.  You understand that 1g of the wet diaper weight is equal to how much urine?





1 ML

Projectile vomiting, vomit is sour undigested food and never contains bile, ravenously hungry infant, scant urine, constipation

Pyloric stenosis


Name 2 Injections you'd expect to administer during a well-child for 11-12 year old. 



Tetanus & Diphtheria toxoids and pertussis (Tdap)


Generalized edema, ascites, anorexia, diarrhea, lethargy, decreased urine, proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, chubby appearance but child is actually malnourished

Nephrotic syndrome


You are assessing a 10 year old boy in the clinic, you notice he continues to scratch his groin area.  His cg reports there have been "Black pin dots that seem to have dark tails" in that area.  What do you suspect?



What is the priority teaching to a parent whos child is dx with A beta-hemolytic Streptococci?

A. Replace the child's toothbrush in 24 hrs after antibiotics

B. IM injection is required to prevent a more severe disease process

C. Keep the child home from school for 7 days

D. Avoid warm compresses around the neck

Replace the child's toothbrush in 24 hours after antibiotics due to the bacteria ability to re-infect


Prior to a teenage patient taking this medication make sure she takes a pregnancy test.

istretinion 13-cis-retinoic acid (accutane)


By 1 year of age you would expect an infant to have gained how much weight since birth?

tripled their birth weight


Name 2 important teachings to include for children with asthma about triggers

Triggered by foods: chocolate, milk, eggs nuts, grains, or additives

Triggered by exercise, exposure to smoke, dust, pets, fragrances, odors

Triggered by infections: bronchitis and URIs


Usually seen after an injury draws attention to the pain, sporadic pain that continues over an extended time period and becomes severe enough to keep the child up at night.

Ewing sarcoma


Name a antibiotic treatment for Gonorrhea

Injection of Ceftriaxone

Oral Doxycycline, Azithromycin


List 3 nursing interventions for an infant with GERD

*Thicken formula with rice cereal,
*Small frequent feeding
*Burp child frequently
*Position upright after feeding
*Side lying or prone for sleep


High pitched cry, bulging fontanel , fever, irritability, nuchal rigidity, ptoophobia, delirium, projectile vomiting, purpuic rash/ redish-purple, non-raised bruise like area that appear under the skin, can be pinpoint at first and spread rapidly



Purposeless involuntary movements, Hyperactive stretch reflex, Muscle contractures, Awkward wide based gait, lack of coordination, Scissoring of the legs

Cerebral palsy


Failure to have stool withing the first 24 hours, bile stained emesis, abdominal distension, partial or complete intestinal obstruction

Hirschspring disease/Congenital aganglionic megacolan


What nursing intervention in a hospital setting is highest priority for rheumatic fever?

A. Promote bed rest

B. Provide diversional activities

C. Monitor ESR levels

D. Position changes for relief of joint pain

Promote rest periods and bed rest