Literary Devices
Narrative Elements
Genres and Writing
Poetry without a regular meter or thyme scheme.
What is free verse?
Interruption in the present action of a plot to show events that happened at an earlier time.
What is a flashback?
A person or animal in a story, a play, or another literary work.
What is character.
The series of related events that make up a story.
What is plot?
A brief story told to illustrate a point. They are usually found in biographies and autobiographies.
What is an anecdote?
A repeated sound, word, phrase, line, or group of lines.
What is refrain?
The use of clues or hints to suggest events that will occur later in the plot.
What is foreshadowing?
Characters in a story that does not change must in the course of a work.
What is a STATIC character.
The time and place of a story, play, or narrative poem.
What is a setting?
A meaning, association or emotion suggested by a word, in addition to its dictionary definition.
What is connotation?
A poem that expresses the feelings or thoughts of a speaker rather than telling a story.
What is a lyrical poem?
A way of speaking that is characteristic of a certain geographical area or a certain group of people.
What is dialect?
A way a writer reveals the personality of a character. In this case, it's when writers uses words of a character, descriptions of the character's looks and clothing or description through the character's thoughts and or feelings.
What is indirect characterization?
The overall mood or feeling of a work of literature.
What is atmosphere.
Writing that ridicules something often in order to bring about change. May poke fun at a person, a group of people, an attitude, or social institution, even all of humanity.
What is satire?
A poem that tells a story.
What is a narrative poem?
A reference to a statement, person, a place, or an event from literature, the arts, history, religion, mythology, politics, sports, or science.
What is an Allusion?
The way a writer reveals the personality of a character. In this case, it's when the writer simply tells readers that a character is amusing or evil or dull or brave.
What is direct characterization?
A struggle between opposing character or opposing forces.
What is a conflict?
A person's account of his or her own life or part of it. It could be a work of literature written by the person about that person.
What is an autobiography.
The forms of this literature type: Lyric, narrative, the epic and the ballad.
What are the four major forms of poetry?
The general idea of insight about life that a work of literature reveals. It is an idea or message that the writer wishes to convey about that subject.
What is theme?
Any force (such as love or fear or jealousy) that drives the characater to behave in a particular way.
What is character motivation?
A contrast between expectation and reality. It can involve a contrast between what is said or written and what is really meant.
What is irony?
When a narrator knows everything about the characters and their problems. This all-knowing narrator can tell us about the past, the present, and the future of the characters. They can also tell us what the character is thinking.
What is omniscient (all-knowing) point of view.