No Vertical sanitary drainage pipe shall conduct both what?
What code clause states that any individual vent/ dual vent are permitted to terminate with a connection to an air admittance valve?
What is
At what PSI is a diaphragm pressure tank pre charged with?
What is 3-5 PSI
Direct flush vales shall be provided with
What is a vacuum breaker unless the fixture is designed so that back-siphonage cannot occur
Which is the most used type of meter?
What is Positive displacement
A Building sewer intended to serve a mobile home must be provided with what?
What is tamperproof terminal connection
Minimum vent pipe located for an oil interceptor?
What is 3"
What are the three things that the discharge pope from every pumped sump shall be equipped with?
What is Union, backwater valve and a shut off valve (7)
Installation height range for RP+DCVA in mm
What is 750 mm to 1500 mm
Residential partial flow through fire sprinkler/ Standpipe systems in which the pipes and fittings are constructed of potable water system materials shall be protected by a
What is Dual check valve backflow preventer 2) a)
Where a fixture discharges sewage or clear water waste, provision of the temperature shall be made to cool it down to what temp before discharged to the drainage system
What is 75 Degrees Celsius
The yoke vent shall be connected to the vent stack at least _ above the floor level of the lowest story
Where the sump or tank receivers sewage it shall be _ and _ and shall be _
What is air, water tight and shall be vented
Backflow caused by back pressure of toxic substances into a potable water system shall be prevented by the installation of a RP or?
What is Air Gap
The hydraulic load on public 3.5kg clothes washer?
What is 3 FU
What is the maximum drain down time in order to install flow control roof drains
What is 24 hours?
When is a yoke vent required?
Where a stack receives discharge from fixtures located on more than 11 storeys (1)
What is Bernoullis Principle
For a atmospheric vacuum breaker what is the distance above flood level rim?
What type of pipe insulation is the most common within building
What is fibre glass insulation
ILM 060301f Pg. 45
Storm water means water that is discharged from a surface as a result of rainfall of?
What is Snowfall
What's the hydraulic load of 6 direct flush tanks (public 1 branch)
Flush toilets, 4 urinals, 3 lavs and 1 bedpan
153 FU
Air Gaps shall not be installed in a _ environment
What is Noxious?
How much water do 700 turkeys use per day? In Litres
What Is 80 Litres