This is the purpose of PCR.
Amplify template DNA
The chemical breakdown of a compound due to reaction with water.
Elongating inhibitors of DNA polymerase that lack a 3'-OH group
All staphylococci would give this result in a gram stain.
This has to happen to starch before it can cross the cell membrane
Needs to be hydrolyzed
Why can gel electrophoresis be used to separate and analyze DNA?
Shorter molecules travel faster than longer molecules.
This type of agar is used to test a bacteria's ability to hydrolyze casein.
Skim Milk Agar
Values used to assess the accuracy of each base
Quality Values
A positive result on a Mannitol Salt Agar would look like this.
A color change from red to yellow.
enzymes secreted by the organism to catalyze reactions outside the cell
Extracellular enzymes/exoenzymes
This is why we use 16S rRNA to identify bacteria.
It is present and distinct in all bacteria.
What additional chemical needs to be added to the starch hydrolysis test to see the results?
Two reasons to edit sequences
Remove misleading data and improve the quality of read
Agents produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibit other microorganisms.
Non-chromosomal genetic elements found in bacteria that can be transferred horizontally
What are the five reagents that go in a PCR reaction?
PCR buffer, DNA polymerase, template DNA, dNTPs, Primers
What causes the substrate to change color in a biolog plate?
These "other letters" can indicate ambiguity in a base at a particular position.
Ambiguous base pairs
Horizontal gene transfer, chance gene mutation
Four steps in thermal cycling; steps that amplify the DNA
Denaturing, annealing, elongation, final hold
In the process of obtaining DNA for sequencing, this step typically happens between PCR and sequencing.
PCR Purification
Hydrolytic test that tests for the presence of tryptophanase, which hydrolyzes tryptophan to produce indol.
Tryptophan hydrolysis
This is used to compare sequences to those in a database of sequences.
An antibiotic resistant organism will have this result in a Kirby Bauer test.
Small zone of inhibition
Purpose of PCR Purification
Eliminate excess primers or incomplete sequences