Blood Analysis
Document Analysis/Biology
Digital Forensics/Blood Vocabulary
Fingerprint Analysis

Give an example of a genotype and the corresponding phenotype 

AA-Type A              AO- Type A

OO- Type O           AB- Type AB

BB- Type B            BO- Type B


What does chromatography do to a sample of ink

Separates mixture of ink into different components 


List four examples of telephone metadata.

number dialed, length of call, time of call, callers number. (more answers are possible)


What is a core?

The innermost recurve in the center of the fingerprint pattern.


State the name of the toxic plant that is found in Wisconsin that while toxic is rarely deadly but causes an itchy rash in many people but some people are not affected due to this reaction being allergic in nature.

Posion Ivy 


What blood type is considered the universal donor? explain.

Type O blood because it has no blood protein to trigger the immune system. 


What information can we obtain from a chromatogram?

An Rf value, which can determine the identity of the substance. 


What is a Punnett Square

A tool used to show probabilities in offspring


What is a Plain Arch?

Ridges enter on one side and exit on the other side.


State which toxic substance is a colorless odorless gas that can be produced in your home.

Carbon Monoxide 


Identify each bloodstain as projectile, passive, or transfer bloodstains. Elongated Droplet, Smear and Round Droplet

Elongated Droplet- Projectile  

Smear- Transfer

Round Droplet- Passive 


List three characteristics that give each individual’s handwriting variation

Any of the following: slope, angularity, speed, pressure, letter and word spacing, relative sizes of letters, connections, pen movement, writing skill


What is Agglutination

Clumping or clotting of blood


What is a delta?

Region in a fingerprint where three areas come together to form a triangle type shape.


Explain the role of a toxicologist.

Gather and prepare samples of toxic materials for analysis. Can work with living and the deceased to complete toxicology reports.


A student has blood type O, his parents are said to have genotypes AO and BB. Are they his biological parents? 

No, a punnette square for those parents would yield genotypes AB, AB, OB and OB; none of which express type O blood. 


State what DNA stands for, and state where DNA is found in a cell

deoxyribonucleic acid is found in the nucleus 


Examine the password below. State both positive and negative aspects of the password. 


Positive: multiple characters, not easy to guess (i.e not a name, birthday, etc)

Negative: may be hard to remember


What is a Bifurcation?

Place where a single ridge divides into two separate ridges.


Suggest why it is important for a doctor to know both the ED50 and LD50 of a particular drug

To ensure the drug is effective but not lethal 

If satellites are present in a blood droplet (droplet 1) and not in another (droplet 2) which blood droplet would you assume fell from a greater height? 

Droplet 1 with satellites because those are present when dropped from greater heights. 


True or False: Only very small amounts of DNA are required for forensic analysis.

True, you can use PCR to make copies of DNA to analyze. 


What is a Spine

A pointy protrusion that is attached to the edge of a parent droplet


What is an Ulnar Loop?

Loop opens toward right or the ulna bone.


What do ED50 and LD50 stand for 

Effective dose and Lethal dose