Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Continued
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 & Chapter 10
Chapter 11

The key difference between probability and non-probability sampling.

What is randomization?


The difference between quota and stratified sampling.

What is randomization? Quota can not guarantee on other characteristics that the data are representative.


The order of operations

What is: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (PEMDAS)

Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction


If I wanted to see whether there were differences in political affiliation based on gender, this is the statistical analysis could I do.

What is a chi-square test?


The proper way to borrow the work of others.

What is paraphrasing and citing?


When you survey an entire population.

What is a census?


The type of sampling shown in the following image:

What is systematic?

The meaning of the following symbol

What is summation?


This qualitative approach begins by comparing cases to cases, eventually, the research compares concepts to concepts

What is grounded theory?


Easy question: What is the style that is generally used for writing in social sciences?

What is APA (the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association)?

The distribution assumed in the theory of probability sampling.

What is a normal distribution?


The sample described in the following image.

What is a simple random sample?


A limitation of means as a measure of central tendency.

What is although they count all values, extreme values can greatly influence the mean, thus skewing what we think the "middle" is?


The three things needed to establish causality.

What is an association, temporal ordering, and no spuriousness


What is wrong with this sentence and how would you fix it?

The professor makes students read the chapters students always have to take quizzes on the reading material.

The professor makes students read the chapters, and students always have to take quizzes on the material. 

The professor makes students read the chapters. Students always have to take quizzes on the material.


Why is it important to consider a probability sampling strategy?

What is external validity? Can this sample generalize to the greater population?


Describe the snowball sampling method and whether or not it is a probability sample.

What is a researcher locates one or two individuals who meet the characteristics required and then asks those subjects to recommend other participants. Nonprobability.


The difference between variance and standard deviation

The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. By performing the square root, we are now able to put in on the same metric as the measure of central tendency so we can make some inferences about how far the data are actually spread out.


This qualitative perspective argues that there should be no set criteria for evaluating research.



The problem with this statement in an essay.

"The stupid person who experiments with snorting bath salts may experience hallucinations, cold-sweats, and aggression tendencies."

What is value-laden terminology?


You must have an adequate _____________ to ensure that your sample falls close to the true population mean.

What is sample size? 

If I were to sample the first 2 rows of our class (ahhh remember class?), this is the type of sample I would be creating.

What is a convenience sample?


In a normal bell-shaped curve, the percentage of people that will score within one standard deviation of the mean.

What is 68%?


Another term for a false positive. 

What is a Type 1 error? 


What is wrong with the following citation?
