Agenda Setting Theory
Social Cognitive Theory
Elaboration Likelihood Model
____________ is the process of newspeople scanning the information that is in the environment and deciding which of the many events that are occurring deserve attention in their news outlets.
What is surveillance?
The central goal of SCT is to understand what ___________ _________ influence the relationship between media messages and audience members.
What is psychological factors? Media messages do not affect people in the same ways! Remember the SRO model.
_________ is systematic and issue-relevant thinking.
What is elaboration? This means carefully attending to arguments and evidence. Has a range from low to high.
The three part process of agenda setting is: ___________, __________, __________.
What is media agenda, public agenda, and policy agenda. Media agenda is the priority placed on issues discussed in mediated sources. Public agenda is he result of the media agenda interacting with what the public thinks. Policy agenda is the result of the public agenda interacting with what policy makers think.
____________ ___________ is the idea that humans have the ability to learn without direct experience.
What is vicarious capacity? This allows the person to learn all sorts of beneficial things by simply reading or watching a television program presenting prosocial behaviors. However, the flip side can also be true.
_______ _______ is processing that is critical and depends on the valance (positive or negative) of the message (determined by the receiver's attitude and the quality of the argument)
What is central route?
Agenda setting theory is in the _________ tradition, the _________ context, and uses the _____________ approach to knowing.
What is socio-psychological, mass media, and empirical? (see page 366 in book).
____________ is a phenomenon of behavior reenactment that includes four component processes: attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation.
What is modeling? Take a look at these four things in the pdf reading on page 60.
A communicator's apparent credibility will likely cause someone to use a ___________.
What is heuristic.
When you have a high need for orientation (NFO), you have high __________ and the issue is very ____________ to you.
What is uncertainty and relevant? This is important to know because people with a high NFO will be more susceptible to agenda setting by the media.
When we see a model rewarded, it has a _______ effect, whereas when we see a model punished, it has a ________ effect.
What is disinhibitory and inhibitory?
Attitudinal change achieved through _______ _______ tends to be more long lasting.
What is central route?
_______ _________ is the phenomenon of journalists having their agendas influenced by other journalists.
What is pack journalism?
_________ _________ is entertainment created for us that we consume that is greatly influenced by SCT.
What is entertainment education (EE)? Think Hollywood Health and Society (from lecture).
A __________ ___________, which means moving away from the advocated position, is likely to occur if the subject rehearses unfavorable thoughts about the message.
What is boomerang effect? This could happen if the message is ambiguous but counter-attitudinal (not in line with the receiver's attitudes).