Designer's Choice
Produce or Direct?
Act Your Way Outta This
"That's What She Said."
All the Things
These describe the elements of design for scenic and costume designers
What are "line, mass, color, texture, and composition"?
The producer is responsible for acquiring these two very important things before a show can be produced.
What are the property rights to a script and money.
One of the distinctions between wearing a "mask" in life and acting.
What is "Acting is observed," "Actors play a role, real life is genuine," "Acting is conscious and real life is not," "Dramatic characters are not real people, symbols, or signifiers."
Aristotle once said that the purpose of art is to....
What is "Find the Hidden Meaning of Things"?
This is what Aristotle listed as the six elements of theatre.
What are "Plot, Character, Thought, Diction, Song, Spectacle"?
This is the word for describing the "visual scene" or "visual storytelling."
What is "mise-en-scene"?
This is the main job of the director.
What is coordinating all of the production elements into a unified/finished product?
This is the definition of an "actor"
What is "a person who interprets and plays a character in a play"?
Aristotle wrote this, the first such piece to discuss theatare
What is "Poetics"?
A definition of theatre that also includes "Performers must be live" and "Theatre must have actors pretending to be someone else."
What is "Presented before a live audience," "Representative of man in action," and "Repeatable with infinite variation"?
These are the objectives of the scene designer according to John Poole:
What are "set tone and style of production, establish time period and location, indicate social status, create ease for blocking/stage movement, a show how we move from location to location"?
This is something that the director is mainly in charge of, and goes by this name when casting without considering gender or race.
What is "open casting or American casting"?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge said this of audiences.
What is "a willing suspense of disbelief"?
This describes what Joseph Campbell meant when he describes the hero as a "champion of things becoming...destroying the permanent with its change."
What is "the hero represents the world as it is yet to become" or "the hero destroys the status quo"?
These are the elements of plot according to our theatrical structure.
What are "Exposition, Inciting Incident, Complication, Crisis, Climax, and Denouement"?
A good costume design should show this about a character.
What are "social position and status, gender, occupation, flamboyance or modesty, independence/regimentation, and occasion"?
This is the person who aids the audience with understanding the play and its history through research, and aids the director in developing a concept.
What is a Dramaturg?
These are the three ingredients in an actors craft.
What are "Native ability, training, and practice"?
This is how Joseph Campbell describes a "quest."
What is "a long, arduous search for something"?
These are the theories that describe the origins of theatre.
What are "ritual, human's instinct to play, and storytelling"?
This describes the four controllable qualities of lighting design
What are "distribution/composition, intensity, movement, and color"?
This type of director acts as the primary artist, shaping the script into a work of art of their own without relying on the vision of the playwright.
What is an Auteur Director?
This type of acting is described as "Inside Acting," wherein the actor works to actually "feel" the emotions and experience the psychology of the character.
What is Representational Acting?
What is "Taking pleasure in or laughing at the pain/misery of others"?
This describes a plot structure that covers a long period of time, has many characters and locations, and several threads of action.
What is Episodic structure?