Foundations of US Government
System Specifics
US History
Other Things to Know

This document, written in 1789, set up the U.S government as we know it today.

What is the Constitution? 


The government principle that stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

What is checks and balances?


The legal voting age, last changed back in the 1970s by the 26th Amendment.

What is 18?


"No taxation without representation" was the rallying cry for this major historical event in 1776, when colonists fought the British.

What is the American Revolution?


This city, built out of a swamp between Maryland and Virginia, became the U.S capital in 1790.

What is Washington, D.C?


These changes to the Constitution have their own title and section towards the end of the document

What are amendments?


The number of U.S Senators

What is 100?


The right that allows everyone living in the United States to state their opinion without being afraid of government punishment.

What is freedom of speech?


This war pitted North against South in the 1860s to settled the legality of slavery.

What is the Civil War?


The U.S flag pays respect to the first 13 original colonies through this design choice.

What are the 13 stripes?


This founding father wrote the Declaration of Independence, borrowing many ideas from an Enlightenment author with the same first name.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The branch that approves, denies, and enforces the laws.

What is the Executive Branch?


The capital of Connecticut, also known as "New England's Rising Star".

What is Hartford?


The United States fought against this country for the second time in 30 years in World War 2.

What is Germany?


This ocean borders Western states like California, Washington, and Oregon.

What is the Pacific Ocean?


Another name for the Constitution, which highlights its importance in our government.

What is "The Supreme Law of the Land?"

The determining factor for how many U.S Representatives each state gets in Congress.

What is population? 

One responsibility citizens have to ensure everyone gets a fair trial.

What is serve on a jury?


This man was elected president 4 times and led the country through both the Great Depression and World War 2.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?


This Founding Father had many titles, including "Mr. President" and "The Father of Our Country"

Who is George Washington?


These three words lay out the idea of self-government in the very first sentence of the Constitution.

What are "We the People?"


The title for the group of high-ranking officials that advise the President. Some positions include the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary of Transportation.

What is the Cabinet?


This amendment granted citizenship to all Americans, regardless of race, back in 1868.

What is the 14th amendment?


This New England State, known for its mountains, was not counted as one of the 13 Original Colonies because it was originally settled by the French.

What is Vermont?


This island in the Caribbean, about 1,000 miles from Florida, is 1 of 5 U.S territories. 

What is Puerto Rico?