School-Based Mental Health
Trauma and Mental Health
Culture and Mental Health
Contemporary Issues in Mental Health

When youth receiving disciplinary action are funneled to the juvenile justice system instead of into receiving mental health services it is called...

What is...the School-to-Prison Pipeline?


School-based mental health services follow a ________________ of service delivery.

What is the public health model?


Exposure to a single traumatic event

What is...acute Trauma


The culture with which someone identifies and to which he or she looks for standards of behavior.

What is Cultural identity?


The ________________________ proposes that identities cannot be understood separately from each other because they are continually and uniquely interacting with each other and impacting an individual's well-being.

Minority Stress Theory

The leading cause for teachers to leave the profession and students' mental health needs to remain unmet

What is burnout?


MTSS encompasses... (think of umbrella)

RtI and PBIS


_______ involves families as part of treatment and focuses on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

What is Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT)?


Missed/misdiagnosis, Less access to mental health services, Less likely to receive needed care (When received, more likely to be poor in quality)

What is cultural disparities surrounding mental health?


The term __________________ refers to how an individual chooses to “show up” or present to the world and includes clothing, hairstyles, language, and behavior.

What is Gender Expression?


Cost, Transportation, Subclinical needs, Accessibility, and Schools as centers of communities

What is examples of what SBMH reduces?


Whole class core differentiated instruction + additional targeted instruction (often small group in addition to core instruction) + intensive support.

What are... Tier III interventions?


_____________________occurs when a youth functions poorly before and after a traumatic event.

Stable maladaptive functioning


The definition of a stereotype is:

A negative assumption that people of shared physical, religious, cultural, or other characteristics have certain behavioral attributes.


What is not considered a protective factor for LGBTQ youth?

Perceptions of discrimination


A process where we use specific tools (typically assessments or survey-based) that help us identify students who are at risk. In this case, these risks are mental health and behavioral health challenges

What is mental-health screening...will also accept Universal Screening


In order to adjust instruction in a timely manner and not lose or waste instructional time, monitoring that matches instruction and increases in frequency with student need is essential in maximizing student progress.

What is progress monitoring?


______________trauma is personal or historical event or prolonged experience that continues to have an impact over several generations

What is historical trauma?


A Cluster of negative attitudes

What is Stigma?


According to one of our readings, which group was least affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?



Features of Effective SBMH include...

1.Consistency in program implementation

2.Inclusion of various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, or peers

3.Use of various modalities

4.Integration of program content into general classroom curriculum

5.Ensuring developmentally appropriate program components


The purpose of MTSS is...

Identify who needs supports, implement supports, and determine if these supports are effective

-Prevent new problems from developing

-Reduce the number of existing challenges

-Reduce the intensity and complexity of needed supports


The ability of the brain to reorganize itself, both in structure and how it functions. 


A personal lifelong commitment to self-evaluation and self-critique whereby the individual not only learns about another's culture but one starts with an examination of her/his own beliefs and cultural identities.

What is Cultural Humility?


Children with lower-social emotional wellbeing tend to...

Experience more of the negative effects of social media