General Information
Exam Review
During the Exam
Tips for Different Types of Questions
Questions to Ask

Most final exams follow this during finals week.

What is the Final Exam Schedule?


The CSP Website, YSU App, Signs in Buildings and TV Monitors are a few good ways to find this information.

Is there a Final Exam Review for my class at the CSP?


Scan the exam to find out how many questions there are and what value they have, and jot down important facts/formulas.

What you should do when you first receive the test?


Look at one option at a time, and treat each answer as a true or false question.

What is a tip for taking Multiple Choice questions?


 What is my grade going into the final?

What you should ask your professor?


The Final Exam Schedule can be found here.

What is the YSU Portal?


My personal final exam study schedule should be created at this time.

What is NOW or TODAY?


If you get hung up on a question, you should...

What is move on and come back to it?


Watch for words such as always, never, seldom and usually.

What is a tip for True or False questions?


Can I get help making a two-week planner for my upcoming finals?

What to ask my academic coach at the CSP?


Name two types of final exams.

What are comprehensive, chapter, project or term paper?


In order to know the exam information inside and out and well enough to teach to someone else you should aim for ______ mastery.

What is 100%?


Two things to watch out for on your final include:

What are double negatives (not unusual should be read as usual) and qualifying words like, always and never?


Outline or map your response before you write.

What is a tip for Essay questions?


Is there a final in my class?

What to ask your professor?


Final Exam Reviews are held in this office.

What is Student Tutorial Services in the Center for Student Progress (CSP)?


Name three ways to review for a final exam.

What is self-created tests, old exams, index cards, study guides, class notes and companion sites?


Before turning in your exam, you should...

What is review the exam and answer the questions you skipped and review the first few questions if you were anxious in the beginning?


Read all choices before settling on one.

What is a tip for Multiple Choice questions?


What type of final will I have?

What to ask your professor?


Name two ways you can find out if there is a final in your class.

What is Checking the Syllabus and Asking your Professor?


Three examples of HOW to review for a final include...

What are Predicting test questions, preparing charts and concept maps, using mnemonics for memorization and integrating notes with the text?


Rephrasing a question helps with...

What is finding out what the question is asking in "layman's terms"?


If you run out of time, outline the remaining questions for partial credit.

What is a tip for Essay questions?


Is there a Final Exam Review for my class?

What to ask your professor, academic coach or other staff member at the CSP?