Misc. Exam 1 Content
Performance Appraisal
Problem Employees
Time Management

A law that protects nurses who provide emergency assistance outside of the employment location

What is the Good Samaritan Law?


In 1995 California broke off from this organization due to its dual purpose of professional nurses’ association and as a collective bargaining agent

What is the American Nurses Association (ANA)?


Recency Effect, Halo Effect, Horns Effect, and Central Tendency are all ___________ in the performance appraisal process

what is common pitfalls?


Involves training or molding the mind or character to bring about desired behaviors

What is discipline?


When a unit manager plans her day to manage her time, she knows to plan for these ________________, because if she does not, she will run out of time to complete everything during the shift.

What are disruptions?


A nurse fails to implement safety measures for a client who has been identified as a fall risk

What is negligence?


Form of negotiations used by unions for better staffing, float provisions, shared decision making, and scheduling

What is collective bargaining?


Examples include trait ratings, job dimensions, and behaviorally anchored dimensions

What is rating scales used during a performance appraisal?


These rules consist of first forewarning, then immediate consequences, then consistency, and impartiality

What is McGregor’s Hot Stove Rules?


A nurse who is stressed and rushing around is likely a victim of this.

What is poor time management?


The nurse's obligation to avoid causing harm to the client

What is non-maleficence?


Managers use this technique when the organization is in jeopardy of its nurse unionizing

What is a strategy to avert?


The manager provides the employee ongoing coaching and leadership training and mutual goal setting in this modification of the appraisal system

What is performance management?


There are 4 steps in this type of discipline

What is progressive discipline?


When practicing the basics of time management, the nurse manager will complete this first.

What is the highest priority task?


The nurse's role in obtaining informed consent

What is witnessing the informed consent?


The Registered nurse is conflicted regarding the appropriateness of going on a unionized strike  

What is an ethical dilemma?


This type of review is often completed from anonymous feedback from other employees and is added to other elements of the performance appraisal

What is a peer review?


Even with discipline and coaching this employee will always strive only to meet minimum job requirements

What is a marginal employee?


The nurse who is very busy working through an ever-changing environment will find it easier to stay on track and on time by doing this.

What is reprioritizing the day?


A nurse releases the medical diagnosis of a celebrity to the media

What is invasion of privacy?

(will also accept breach of confidentiality)


Distributing brochures on the benefits of unionization and the use of utilizing public events, local media, and political connections to bring into question the hospitals quality of care

What is union organizing strategies?


There should be little new information at the appraisal conference because the effective leader does this

What is coaching and communicating informally on a continual basis?


The manager actively brings areas of unacceptable behavior or performance to the attention of the employee and works with him or her to establish a short-term plan to correct deficiencies in this type of coaching

What is known as deficiency coaching?


The nurse leader understands that his role as a team leader in time management is to do this for his team

What is assist followers in maximizing their time?