What is an example of a questioned document?
■Driver’s license
■Lottery ticket
■Voter registration form
■Suicide note
■Writing and markings on walls, doors, windows and other objects
rifle, shotgun, assault rifle
A fire is considered ____ when there is criminal intent and burring with damage to property.
What does the E in CBRNE stand for
______ are substances intentionally released into the environment to kill, repel, or control weed, insect, fungi, and rodent pests.
What is used for serial number restoration?
Which firearm has a smooth barrel?
What term is used to describe the temperature needed for the vaporization of a liquid?
Flash point
What is an attack characterized by the silent release of a WMD agent into a population?
Environmental forensics is focused on detecting and identifying ___________ and ___________.
Pollutants and contaminants
What is the most common ridge pattern?
What type of bullets has only class characteristics? Fired or unfired
What stage of fire occurs when the flames spread up and outward from the ignition source?
Free burning
What does TIC stand for?
Toxic industrial chemicals
What was the name of Rachel Carson's book about the broad effects of DDT?
Silent Spring
What type of fingerprints can be seen with the naked eye without chemical processing?
What are spiral impressions cut into the inner surface of the barrel?
What type of heat transfer occurs when the density of liquids and gases is reduced causing them to expand and rise upon heat transfer
What can be used to detect radioactive materials at a scene?
Geiger counter
The mobility of herbicides and pesticides ________ with water solubility
Which fingerprint processing method is done using a tray of super glue on a hot plate in a humidity chamber in a hood?
What are the three components of GSR?
Lead, antimony, and barium
What three things are required to start a fire?
Heat, fuel, and oxygen
What is a type of nuclear reaction characterized by the splitting of a heavy nucleus?
Nuclear fission
Which pesticide inhibits acetylcholinesterase by non-reversible binding?