Relative motion
Circular motion

When the equation vf2  = vi2 + 2ad is valid to use.

What is a problem with constant acceleration?


An object moving only under the influence of gravity.

What is free fall?


The two types of reference frames.

What are inertial and non-inertial?



What is centripetal force?


If an object C moves relative to reference frame A with a velocity v1 and reference frame A moves with velocity v2 relative to frame B, then the object with respect to frame B moves with:

vc = v1 + v2

What is a Galilean transformation of velocity?


While driving down a highway at night going 20 m/s, a deer steps in the road 35m ahead of you. Your reaction time before stepping on the brakes is 0.5s, and the deceleration of your car is 10 m/s2. 

Your distance to the deer when you've come to a stop.

What is 5 meters?


A ball is thrown horizontally at 25 m/s and travels x = 50m before hitting the ground. 

This is the height from which it was thrown.

What is y = 19.6 m?


Susan is driving north at 60mph and Trent is driving east at 45 mph; they are both approaching an intersection. 

This is Trent's speed relative to Susan's reference frame. 

What is 75 mph south of east?


A satellite orbiting the moon very near the surface has a period of 110 minutes. Take the radius of the moon as r = 1.74*106 m.

This is its free fall acceleration. 

What is a = 1.58 m/s2?


Carin's favorite color.

What is rose pink?


A stunt man drives a car at a constant speed of 20 m/s off a 30m tall cliff. The road leading to the cliff is inclined upward at an angle of 20°.

This is the distance from the base of the cliff that the car lands. 

What is 61.4 meters?


A supply plane needs to drop a package of food to scientists working on a glacier. The plane flies 100 m above the glacier at a speed of 150 m/s. 

This is how far short of the target the pilots should drop the package. 

What is 678 meters?


I am with my friend riding in the back seat of a car that is going 65 mph. 

This is my friend's velocity relative to my frame of reference. 

What is 0 mph?



What is radial acceleration?


The first Egyptian pharaoh to suggest belief in only one god. 

Who is Akhenaten? 


A stunt man drives a car at a constant speed of 20 m/s off a 30m tall cliff. The road leading to the cliff is inclined upward at an angle of 20°.

This is the car's impact speed. 

What is 31.4 m/s ?


A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 50m away. The bullet hits the target 2.0cm below the aim point. 

This was the bullet's flight time.

What is 0.064 seconds?


A model rocket is launched with an upward acceleration of 6 m/s2 and, from an unexpected gust of wind, a horizontal acceleration of 1.5 m/s2. How far is the rocket from its launch point 6 seconds later, when the gust subsides and the rocket is out of fuel?

What is 111m?


A high speed drill rotating counterclockwise at 2400 rpm comes to a halt in 2.5 seconds.

This how many revolutions it makes as it stops. 

What is 50 revolutions?

The year Northwestern became one of the first universities to admit women into the college. 

What is 1869?