Fat Soluble Vitamins
B Vitamins
Big Picture
Semester Funnsies

What are the 4 fat soluble vitamins?

Vitamin A, D, E, and K

Describe the general risk of toxicity with our B vitamins. Is it high or low? Why is that?

Risk of toxicity with our B vitamins is typically low because they are water soluble meaning they will most likely not be stored. Therefore it is harder to build up high amounts in the body that would lead to toxicity


Which type of alcohol is consumed in alcoholic beverages?



What is the most essential nutrient?


Should we ever trust someone from a supplement store?

Sure! It is always best to do our own research using scientifically backed findings to influence our nutritional choices. Also ask a doctor

How many vitamins can be made by the body?


Extra Points: Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B7 (Biotin)


If asked where a B vitamin is found, what is the best answer if you don't know?

Also, what life choice did we discuss that results in being under the recommended level for a majority of our B vitamins?

Whole grains!!!

Chronic alcohol abuse


What is required for fermentation and what two substances are produced?

Fermentation is the break down of sugar by yeast. It produced ethanol and CO2


When should supplements be added to the diet?

If nutrients are being underconsumed in someone's typical diet, but start with trying to get nutrients in the diet first.


Which two simple carbohydrates make up lactose, and what is a simple explanation for lactose intolerance?

Glucose and galactose. In lactose intolerance, the bond between glucose and galactose cannot be broken due to the lack of an enzyme, lactase


Define oxidative stress and antioxidants. What are some effects of oxidative stress in the body?

Oxidative stress is damage to cells by free radicals which bind to molecules causing them to lose their function. One very susceptible target is DNA. Antioxidants like vitamins bind to free radicals and stop them from damaging the cell. 

Effects would be loss of protein function, reduced pathway functions, impaired DNA function


We talked about one vitamin in specific that is incredibly important during pregnancy. What vitamin is that?

Vitamin B9, Folate

How much ethanol is in one standard drink?

0.5 ounces of ethanol


What are the three key principles for healthy eating?

Balance, variety, and moderation


How does creatine work?

Building up creatine in the muscle allows Creatine to donate a phosphate to ADP to make ATP so that muscle contraction can occur faster for a longer period of time


A polar bear stores an obscene amount of a certain vitamin in its liver. What is this vitamin and name 3 results of eating polar bear liver

Vitamin A. 

Nausea, vomiting, liver damage, could lead to death eventually


What is the deal with Vitamin C and sickness? How do most animals besides humans get Vitamin C?

It will not prevent sickness, but may lower the severity of symptoms and possibly the length of sickness.

Most animals make it from glucose, but not us :(


Where is substantial amount of alcohol first absorbed? Where is the majority absorbed? What is the most significant factor in influencing the rate of alcohol absorption and thus BAC?

Stomach, Small intestine, food in the stomach is the number 1 factor


What were the three rich sources of most nutrients?

Whole grains, fruits, vegetables


What is the function of LDL? What three lifestyle/diet choices can we make to reduce LDL?

LDL deposits cholesterol in the arteries. Reducing saturated fats, reducing trans fats, and exercise


Big one.

What are the main functions of Vitamin A, D, E, and K?

Vitamin A- eyesight, cell health

Vitamin D- Hormone function, bone health

Vitamin E- anTIoxidant, anTIcoagulant

Vitamin K- (k)lotting also called blood clotting


Which vitamin is added to energy drinks with claims that it will give you a boost of energy? When do we specifically see vitamins leading to an increase in feelings of awakeness?

Vitamin B12!

If someone is deficient and take a vitamin to become sufficient, we would see a reduction in drowsiness also known as an increase in energy


What are the specific recommendations for moderate alcohol consumption? What is the definition of binge drinking?

Give me 3 recommendations for safe drinking

2 drinks or less a day for men and 1 for women. 

4-5 drinks or more over 2 hours/ BAC increase to 0.08 g/dL in a 2 hour period

Be over 21, have a DD, drink in moderation, CONSUME FOOD, make sure alcohol is cleared to consume for certain medications


What percentage of our daily calories should come from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats?

45-65%, 10-35%, 20-35%


Starting with DNA, walk through the process of protein synthesis on the board

DNA- mRNA- leaves nucleus goes to ribosome- tRNA brings in amino acids- reads mRNA code- peptide bonds are formed between amino acids- continues until protein is made