App. of Reading
App. of Writing

Which sentences use the word allay correctly?

(Select all that apply.)

A. The temptation of Corey’s new gaming system proved to be too much for him. After considering his schedule, he decided to allay his homework for a later time.

B. Finding her coworker in tears, Betsy decided that she would allay some of her duties in order to make sure that everything was all right.

C. After spending the day at the lake without sunscreen, John rushed to the local convenience store for aloe gel to allay the pain of his sunburn.

D. Juggling work, school, and family responsibilities was beginning to weigh heavily on Andrew. He knew that if he dedicated several hours to his project, he would allay most of his anxieties. 

C and D


Which option most accurately defines figurative language?

language that conveys factual information about a person, place, or thing to create a realistic effect

language that summarizes an interesting or amusing event to create a more humorous effect

language that orders words and sentences in a way that makes sense to create a linear effect

language that uses unconventional construction or differs from literal meaning to create a more powerful effect 



True or false: 

In Gothic Romantic literature, the forbidden is when the text explores taboo subjects (such as the nature of emotion or the human experience) that the characters do not want to think about but that can be used to move the plot forward.



Read the passage from The Faerie Queene.

He cried, as raging seas are wont to roar,
When wintry storm his wrathful wreck does threat
The roaring billows beat the ragged shore,
As they the earth would shoulder from her seat,
And greedy gulf does gape, as he would eat
His neighbor element in his revenge:

Which response correctly identifies the type of figurative language used to describe the sound of the dragon’s cry?

The Faerie Queene

  • a metaphor, describing the ocean’s roar so the reader will infer the sound of the dragon’s crya metaphor, describing the ocean’s roar so the reader will infer the sound of the dragon’s cry
  • a simile, comparing the dragon’s cry to an ocean’s roara simile, comparing the dragon’s cry to an ocean’s roar
  • an idiom, using a common colloquial phrase about the ocean’s roar to emphasize the dragon’s cryan idiom, using a common colloquial phrase about the ocean’s roar to emphasize the dragon’s cry
  • onomatopoeia, incorporating words about the ocean’s roar that sound like the dragon’s cry



Is the analysis correct?

Read the excerpt from John Milton’s “Sonnet 7.”

My hasting dayes flie on with full career,
But my late spring no bud or blossom shew’th. …

The speaker in the poem is lamenting the fact that although time is flying by, he has not yet made much of himself. He compares his lack of accomplishment at his age to the emptiness of a late spring with no blossoms or buds.

The excerpt gains additional power when the reader analyzes the tone that the metaphor creates. Spring, representing growth and life, is traditionally a positive time of year, but the tone of these lines becomes bleak because of the metaphor.



Which sentence correctly uses the word clemency?

If you had shown more clemency, you would have been able to win the Senate election. 

The judge showed clemency when he sentenced the man to probation rather than jail time. 

John is known for his clemency, making sure that he is the fastest runner on the school’s team. 

My father has always taught me to use clemency when I am waiting in line in the school cafeteria. 



Which options are elements of a narrative text?

(Select all that apply.)

A. setting

B. metaphor

C. motivation

D. conflict 

A and D


True or false: Any type of writing has an introduction, body, and conclusion. In fiction, exposition is what introduces the plot. Similar to an introduction, exposition has two purposes:

  • to hook readers to make them want to keep reading
  • to introduce the topic or story



Read the lines from “The Soldier.”

If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England.

Which response accurately explains the meaning of the lines?

“The Soldier”

  • The narrator will leave a legacy honoring England, implying that he will atone for the shame of his life by dying for his country.The narrator will leave a legacy honoring England, implying that he will atone for the shame of his life by dying for his country.
  • The narrator’s death will be in a “foreign field,” implying that his family must “think only” of him, since they cannot visit.The narrator’s death will be in a “foreign field,” implying that his family must “think only” of him, since they cannot visit.
  • The narrator’s grave will become an English place because he is English, implying that his death will not be a tragedy.The narrator’s grave will become an English place because he is English, implying that his death will not be a tragedy.
  • The narrator will be in “some” corner of a field, implying that his grave will be unmarked because his body will be lost in the chaos of war.



Is the analysis correct?

Read the excerpt from John Donne’s “Breake of Day.”

Light hath no tongue, but is all eye;
If it could speake as well as spie,
This were the worst, that it could say,
That being well, I faine would stay.

In these lines, the light from daybreak is being personified: Light is given the human characteristic of sight.

By personifying daybreak, the speaker is rallying its support for her cause; namely, that her lover, who has to go to work, should stay with her instead. Her argument to her lover becomes stronger, in a sense, because even daybreak is on her side.



What sentence uses the word regurgitate correctly?

A. We don’t have to really understand the vocabulary words for our science class; we just need to regurgitate the definitions on the quiz.

B. Both my dad and my uncle like to take good care of their cars and plan to regurgitate their engines at 10,000 miles to degrease them.

C. The TV producer was met with groans when he asked the actors in the popular comedy show to regurgitate jokes that he made up the night before.

D. The pool in my neighbor’s backyard is set to regurgitate on a weekly schedule to keep algae from forming; the result is gallons of water spilling onto the street. 



What sentence correctly defines understatement? 

A. Understatement portrays a subject or situation to be not at all important in comparison to another.

B. Understatement is the representation of information in a way that makes the information seem more important, and is used to accentuate details.

C. Understatement is the representation of information in a minimal or subdued way, and is used for humor or emphasis.

D. Understatement portrays one subject or situation to be equally important to another. 



True or false: Dialogue in Gothic Romanticism is cryptic or unnatural and usually focuses on topics pertaining to the unspeakable, the forbidden, or the uncanny.



Reread “When You Are Old.”

Which option most clearly explains the implied identity and perspective of the speaker in the poem?

“When You Are Old”

  • The speaker in the poem is the young woman who is the object of many men’s desires.The speaker in the poem is the young woman who is the object of many men’s desires.
  • The speaker in the poem is the elderly woman described in the opening lines, and this woman is looking back upon her life.The speaker in the poem is the elderly woman described in the opening lines, and this woman is looking back upon her life.
  • The speaker in the poem is the one man who genuinely loves the woman.The speaker in the poem is the one man who genuinely loves the woman.
  • The speaker in the poem is an omniscient, neutral narrator.



Is the analysis correct?

These two lines from John Donne’s poem “The Sunne Rising” contain hyperbole:

Princes doe but play us; compar’d to this,
All honor’s mimique; All wealth alchimie.

The speaker in this poem is speaking to the sun about his lover and their love, and he is playfully chastising the sun for waking them up and bringing the reality of the day into their bedroom. In these two lines, the speaker asserts that princes can only pretend to have what he and his lover have. Compared to the love that he and his lover share, even the honor of all princes and all wealth are illusions.

The speaker’s comment about how much more valuable his love is than honor and wealth is an exaggeration and, in this instance, creates a playful tone.



Read the excerpt from The War of the Worlds.

I was very glad to do as he asked, and so become one of the privileged spectators within the contemplated enclosure. I failed to find Lord Hilton at his house, but I was told he was expected from London by the six o’clock train from Waterloo; and as it was then about a quarter past five, I went home, had some tea, and walked up to the station to waylay him.

Given the context, what is the most accurate definition of the word waylay?

The War of the Worlds

A. to visit

B. to call

C. to intercept

D. to attack 



Which options correctly identify elements in narrative text?

(Select all that apply.)

A. setting

B. foreshadowing

C. satire

D. nonfiction 

A and B


True or false: Pacing in Gothic Romanticism highlights the tension and horror; you can provide a misleading clue or positively characterize an obviously antagonistic character to slow the pace and heighten the anticipation.



Which excerpt from The Woman in White most clearly provides support for the claim that the narrator, Walter Hartright, will continue to be involved with the story of the woman beyond this evening?

The Woman in White

  • “No, no, no,” she said vehemently. “I’m quite safe, and quite happy now. If you are a gentleman, remember your promise. Let him drive on till I stop him. Thank you—oh! thank you, thank you!”“No, no, no,” she said vehemently. “I’m quite safe, and quite happy now. If you are a gentleman, remember your promise. Let him drive on till I stop him. Thank you—oh! thank you, thank you!”
  • “Pray don’t suppose that I have any idea of suspecting you,” I said, “or any other wish than to be of assistance to you, if I can. I only wondered at your appearance in the road, because it seemed to me to be empty the instant before I saw you.”“Pray don’t suppose that I have any idea of suspecting you,” I said, “or any other wish than to be of assistance to you, if I can. I only wondered at your appearance in the road, because it seemed to me to be empty the instant before I saw you.”
  • It was my turn now to stop suddenly. In the excited state of my curiosity, at that moment, the chance reference to Mr. Fairlie’s place of residence, on the lips of my strange companion, staggered me with astonishment.It was my turn now to stop suddenly. In the excited state of my curiosity, at that moment, the chance reference to Mr. Fairlie’s place of residence, on the lips of my strange companion, staggered me with astonishment.
  • As she repeated the words for the third time, she came close to me and laid her hand, with a sudden gentle stealthiness, on my bosom—a thin hand; a cold hand (when I removed it with mine) even on that sultry night.



Is the analysis correct?

Read the lines from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73.”

In me thou see’st the twilight of such day,
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by-and-by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest. 

In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire
Consum’d with that which it was nourish’d by. 

Anaphora is the repetition of “In me thou see’st” in the first line of the first stanza and in the first line of the second stanza. Both stanzas begin with the same wording, and the anaphora impacts the meaning of each stanza in two ways:

  • First, the repetition sets up a parallel between the two stanzas; both reveal something important to the speaker’s audience, so the speaker has repeated the phrase for emphasis.
  • Second, the repetition suggests that both revelations are going to be similar in their tone and emotion. The repetition also sets up the expectation for “more of the same” in the speaker’s audience.



Read the paragraph.

Jennifer’s grandfather blew out the flame on the big wax “60” candle sitting atop his birthday cake. Then he said, “The older I get, the more I dread the inexorable passage of time.” His 8-year-old granddaughter looked at him quizzically and then turned to get a piece of birthday cake from her mother.

What option accurately defines inexorable as it is used in the paragraph?

A. not accessible

B. not able to be stopped 

C. not able to be understood 

D. not noticeable 



What options accurately explain common purposes of flash-forward in a story?

(Select all that apply.)

A. to develop the theme(s) of the story

B. to show a future event that might or will occur

C. to characterize the protagonist or antagonist

D. to break the flow of the story and slow down the pacing 

A, B, and C


True or false: 

  • Description in Gothic Romanticism describes how natural elements look, sound, and feel; for example, stormy, mysterious, or unpredictable.
  • Multiple plot lines in Gothic Romanticism can introduce different, gloomier moods and can provide plot twists.



Which responses accurately state a central idea of The Tempest?

(Select all that apply.)

The Tempest

  • The power of magic can be a force for good, but it is also complicated and too great a responsibility for any single person.The power of magic can be a force for good, but it is also complicated and too great a responsibility for any single person.
  • It is acceptable to take control of the lives of others, as long as you have a plan to work everything out in the end.It is acceptable to take control of the lives of others, as long as you have a plan to work everything out in the end.
  • Revenge can be an intoxicating mission and can sometimes have unforeseen consequences.Revenge can be an intoxicating mission and can sometimes have unforeseen consequences.
  • Some people in life will double-cross even those closest to them, so it is essential to protect your position in life and trust not even your family.

A and C


Is the analysis correct?

Apostrophe is an approach in which the writer or speaker in a work addresses a character in the work directly.

Example of Apostrophe

Read the first two lines of John Milton’s “Sonnet 7.”

How soon hath Time the suttle theef of youth
Stoln on his wing my three and twentieth yeer!

Now look at the same lines if they are changed to use apostrophe, where the speaker addresses Time directly:

Time, you suttle theef of youth.
You’ve stoln away my three and twentieth yeer!
