Figurative Language
Plot Diagram
Context Clues
Greek & Latin

The type of figurative language in the following sentence: 

Don't just sit there like a bump on a log. 

What is a simile?

This is the point of greatest tension on the plot diagram

What is climax?


The element of RACES that the R stands for: 

What is restate?


Exquisite means:

The food was exquisite. I'm going back there for sure! 

What is extremely good?


use the definitions of the following words to determine the meaning of the root word:

Bicycle: a vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame

Binocular: involving or designed for both eyes

Bilateral: having two even sides

Bi = two 


The type of figurative language demonstrated in the following sentence: 

Anthony's aunt ate apples and acorns around August. 

What is alliteration?


This is the point where the conflict has been resolved on the plot diagram

What is resolution?


The element of RACES that the C stands for: 

What is citation?


Use context clues to detyermine the meaning of the underlined word: Inch by inch Johnny made it to the ledge. He stood, swaying slightly, the tips of his toes one small movement from the precipice

What is ledge?


Use the definitions of the following words to determine the meaning of the root word: 

Subsoil: the soil lying immediately under the surface soil. 

Subway: an underground electric railroad. 

What is sub=under?


The element of figurative language demonstrated in the following sentence: 

The horses hooves clip-clopped on the pavement. 

What is onomatopoeia?


This is the point where the problems of the story begin to build on the plot diagram

What is rising action?


The element of RACES that the E stands for 

What is explanation?


Lethargic means: 

Brad felt lethargic and didn't want to get out bed, much less do anything else. 

What is lazy?


The meaning of the prefix bio

What is life/living things?


The element of figurative language demonstrated in the sentence: 

My fingers were icicles after ice skating for two hours on the freezing January day. 

What is metaphor?


This is the part of the story where the setting & characters are introduced. 

What is exposition?


A well developed RACES paragraph has this number of explanation sentences for each quote:

What is 2 sentences?


Admonished means:

Mrs. Martin admonished her daughter for picking flowers when she should have been watching her little brother. 

What is criticized?


The meaning of the prefix pre.

What is before?


The mood of the following passage: 

“Welup,” Two-Bit said cheerfully, cocking an eyebrow, “I see we are in prime condition for a rumble. Is everybody happy?” 

“Yeah!” screamed Soda as he too did a flying somersault off the steps. He flipped up to walk on his hands and then did a no-hands cartwheel across the yard to beat Darry’s performance. The excitement was catching. Screeching…Steve went running across the lawn in flying leaps, stopped suddenly, and flipped backwards….

With a happy whoop I did a no-hands cartwheel off the porch steps, hit the ground, and rolled to my feet. Two=Bit followed me in a similar manner. 

“I am a greaser,” Sodapop chanted. “I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun!” 

                                            The Outsiders, pg 135-136

What is excited/happy/amped up?


When asked to provide this for a short answer question, you would provide the sequence of events from a story.

What is a plot summary?


A well-developed RACES paragraph has at least ____ sentences. 

What is 8 sentences?

Reticent means: 

Most people say I am different from my twin sister. She is reticent to participate, while I am always talking and making friends. 

What is quiet/shy?


Use the definitions of the following words to determine the meaning of the root word: 

astronaut: a person who travels into outer space

Asteroid: a minor planet 

Astronomer: a person who studies stars, planets and other objects in space. 

What is astr=space