Freshman Seminar
Main Idea
Constructed Response

What % are summatives worth?



Identify the MAIN IDEA: Rabbits live together in burrows. Their babies are born blind and without fur. Hares live alone above ground. Their babies are born with fur and are not blind. In addition, hares are usually bigger than rabbits.

Rabbits and hares are not the same.


Provide a brief summary of "The Cost of Survival."

Injurers often get hurt due to their own risky decisions and should be accountable for their actions.


Describe the CORRECT order when writing a constructed response.

claim, introduce quote, evidence, analyze


The woman from the Love Has Won cult, “Mother God,” believes she is the ________________ version of many other celebrities, as she believes her soul has flowed into multiple physical bodies.



How many community service hours do you need to graduate?



Identify the MAIN IDEA: A shark may have up to 3,000 teeth at one time. Shark teeth grow in rows. When a shark loses a tooth, it is replaced by a new tooth from the row behind it. A shark may have over 20,000 teeth over the course of its life.

Sharks have a lot of teeth.


SUMMARIZE the text: It’s been argued that Gutenberg’s idea was one of the greatest of all mankind. This one idea would lead to the spread of countless others. It would play a key role in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution. This idea would bring learning to the masses. Gutenberg had created the mechanical printing press with movable type.

Gutenberg created the mechanical printing press with movable type, which changed the world.


How many pieces of evidence AT MINIMUM should be included in a CR?



Cargo pants are a fashion trend that has ___________________ shown up at MBA.



How many credits are earned for a quarter class?



Identify the MAIN IDEA: Before toothbrushes were invented, people cleaned their teeth with small twigs. The first toothbrushes were made from bones and bristles from boars, horse hairs, or even feathers. Today the bristles on most toothbrushes are made from nylon.

Before toothbrushes were invented, people used natural items to clean their teeth.


Summarize the text: If you are reading this right now, you are taking part in the wonder of literacy. Because of printed words, people can send information across both time and space. Ideas are put in writing and sent to readers across thousands of miles and years. Because of writing, the words of distant people can influence events, offer knowledge, and change the world. Much of the credit for the development of this phenomenon can be attributed to one man. 

Text is a powerful way to communicate. One man can make a large contribution to literacy.

Describe what it means to introduce a quote.

provide context, give background info about a quote


When Ms. Schwartz needed to step out for an emergency she said to a student, “I’m _________________ you with the responsibility of making sure nothing happens.”



Which is the easiest pathway to pursue to graduate and why?

Pathway 1 - need to score Proficient on all Keystones

What is the main idea of "The Key to Disaster Survival"?

Friends/neighbors and relationships are essential to survival.

Provide a brief summary of the chapter from "Life of Pi."

A young boy encounters a storm in the ocean, where he loses his family and most of his belongings. The only survivors are Pi and the tiger. Pi must work with the tiger to survive.


What must be included in both topic & conclusion sentences in a CR? (3 things)

-name of author(s)

-title of text(s)

-argument being made


The students were ____________ by the close game between the ___________________, MBA & Kensington, as they have a long-standing rivalry.

entranced; adversaries


What is the combined average of all your grades? What number should students aim for? 

GPA; 3.5


What is the main idea of "The Value of a Sherpa Life"?

Sherpa lives are undervalued, as Westerners lives are prioritized.


Provide a brief summary for "The Moral Logic of Survivor's Guilt."

Often, soldiers feel irrational guilt when their brothers in arms get injured in killed in battle, even though there's nothing they could have done.


Provide an example claim for the question - what does it take to survive? Be sure to include 2 stories in your answer.



The boys felt that due to the ________________ of the conflict, it was ____________, as they tried everything they could to reconcile, but could not come to a solution.

magnitude; irresolvable