Grammar & Structure
Logic & Logical Fallacies
Rhetoric & Rhetorical Comp.
Meta-commentary & Argument
Research Methods & Critical Comp.

What is a clause that begins with "who"?

What is a relative clause

The following is an example of which logical appeal: "It's important not to drink and drive. After all, about 31% of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers, according to"

What is: logos


This is the primary focus of a rhetorical analysis

What is the presentation of the information (or, rhetorical strategies)


These 3 things are crucial in any thesis statement

What is a topic, an opinion, and reasons why you hold your opinion


This part of the composition process involves evaluating the efficacy of your overall argument.

What is editing


The following is an example of what kind of modifier: "Happy that school was over, the afternoon was quite relaxing."

What is a dangling modifier


The following is which logical fallacy: "I gave Dad an apple and then he grounded me. Dad must really hate apples."

What is post hoc ergo propter hoc

This makes your reader want to keep reading

What is a hook

This makes your argument and outlines your body paragraphs

What is a thesis statement


These two things must be included whenever you are citing a quote.

What is last name and page number


What kind of clause is joined to another using words like "and," "but," or "or".

What is a coordinate clause


The following is an example of what: 

1. Some quadrilaterals are squares

2. Figure 1 is a quadrilateral

3. Figure 1 is a square

What is a syllogistic fallacy


These two things must appear in the upper right hand corner of your essay

What is last name and page number

This is a writing technique that involves speaking directly to your audience

What is metacommentary


This type of claim is designed to make your readers better understand your topic.

What is a conceptual claim


The words that make up the coordinating conjunctions acronym, "FANBOYS."

What is: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


This logical fallacy functions on the assumption that if A happens, inevitably, B will happen as well.

What is a slippery slope fallacy


Name the elements that make up the PETAL technique

What is: point, evidence, technique, analyze, link

This part of your essay shows why your evidence matters

What is analysis


This is a method designed to help you engage in critical thought while you evaluate your sources

What is active reading


The words that make up the subordinating conjunctions acronym, "I SAW A WABUB."

What is: if, since, as, when, although, while, after, before, until, because.


This is the name of a logical fallacy that tries to make the speaker look like a hypocrite so they can't be trusted

What is a tu quoque ad hominem


Name all the key elements of a rhetorical analysis.

What is: a summary of the text, attention to context, a clear interpretation or judgment, and reasonable support for your conclusions. 


Name the key elements of an argument

What is: a clear and arguable position, necessary background information, good reasoning, convincing evidence, a trustworthy tone, and careful consideration of other positions


Name the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.

Primary: Provide the original material or unsynthesized data

Secondary:Books, articles, and reports that are based on previously written material

Tertiary: Books, articles, and reports that synthesize previously written material