Types of Pharmacies
What can we do

How much of a 4% cream can be made using 80mg of an active ingredient

2 g


Defined as 5 or more stores owned by a common owner(S) and run through a head office

Chain Pharmacy


Name three aspects of a Pharmacy Technicians role that is not done by assistants

Checking RXS, Device training, Calling Physicians, Transferring RXs, Medication administration


What hormone do Pregnancy tests test for and when is the best time to use for the most accurate result

hCG and first morning urine. 


Name 4 types of information commonly found on Auxilary labels

Safe/Proper use of medication, Storage conditions, Refill information, Side effect information, Route of admin, Staability


Name 2 Pediculicides

Nix lotion, cream, shampoo, Kwellada rinse, R&C Shampoo/Conditioner, Nyda


Give an example of a Straight Narcotic drug

Morphine, Hydromorph Contin, Codeine, Dilaudid, Fentantyl, Methadone, Oxycodone, etc


You receive a prescription for Amoxicillin 500mg q8h f10d. How many capsules would you dipsense of 500mg

30 caps


Independently owned pharmacy, may pay a fee up front or percentage of profits to use the name. Give an example

Franchise (Shoppers drug mart, Jean coutu)


Name 6 OTC Sections of a store and 4 items that can be found in them

First aid, Eye care, home health care, pain/analgesics, vitamins, herbal products, cough/cold, feminine hygeine, Stomach, laxatives, acne, foot care

What do the numbers on the lancing device mean? If someone turns it to 1 vs 5 what does that mean

They are the depth gauge, 1 would be the most shallow and the higher number would be the deeper the lancet would go


This is a list of drugs sent from a manufacturer or wholesaler to a pharmacy



Which of these products is an antihistamine: NeoCitran, Reactine, Tylenol, or Immodium



Teva-Lenoltec #3 is an example of what type of narcotic

Narcotic Prep/verbal narcotic 


If a patient is taking 5 tsp of a 1g/10mL suspension bid. What is the total amount of drug in mg per day. 

5000 mg


Independently owned Pharmacy that is affiliated with a central office and pay a fee for the right to use a recognized name

Banner (Guardian, Pharmasave, PharmaChoice)


Name 3 types of prescription errors that we could find and report in a CQI meeting

Wrong drug, missed allergy/reaction, wrong qty, wrong labelling, wrong formulation of product, documentation error, education error, contaminated product, wrong sig, wrong refills, wrong doctor, wrong patient. 


What is the difference in how you position the ear when applying ear drops for adults vs children?

For adults gently pull the ear up and back. For children under 3 pull the ear down and back. 


IF a store has Too-High Inventory, what can happen? Give 2 possible issues

The products are not earning anything, loss of money if expire, loss of space as taking up usable space, Unnecessary expenditure as they have been paid for by the store and just sitting there. 


ASA, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen are all examples of what TYPE of medication and what are they generally treating

Analgesics and they treat pain/are painkillers


This OTC may enhance the anticoagulant effects of warfarin



How many of each product will we order?

2 bottles of Cephalexin, 7 Ventolins, 1 tub Hyderm


Example of this type: Costco (name that type)

Mass Merchandiser/Food Store


A patient presents to the pharmacy for their witnessed OAT dosing. They present with slurred speech, dilated pupils and speaking incoherently. Should the pharmacist dose them? if not what should they do

NO! Should complete the assessment form and reach out to the MD for clarification on next step


What options for pregnancy tests are out there for people who have vision difficulties or language issues

Ones with words(Pregnant or not Pregnant), symbols (+ or -) 


The cost/price the pharmacy pays to acquire medication

AAC (Actual Acquisition cost)


On what OTC would you see a warning for Ryes syndrome?



What type of inhalers should you advise a patient to rinse their mouth out after

Steroid inhalers


Prescription for little Julia (who weighs 25 lbs) is for Amoxil 50mg/kg/day divided tid for 10 days. What is the mL per dose she will take and the total quantity if using a 250mg/5mL suspension. 

give 3.8 mL per dose and total quantity of 114 ml 


Created to help fill for nursing homes, compliance packs and compounding. NO public access

Central Fill Pharmacy


Name 5 types of Services offered by a community Pharmacy

Filling RX, Compliance packaging, OTC meds, Poison control, Prescribing, Medical supplies, Home Health care services, Diabetic care, Drug Information services, "Clinic days", Injection services, Delivery services


Name 5 examples of compliance aids

Dosette, Daily Medication holders, compliance/blister card, Dispill, Pacmed, Inhalers, Eye drop aids (autosqueeze, opticare, autodrop), Insulin pens, Mobile apps, Pre-programed vial aids, Measuring spoons


Can you drink Grapefruit juice with Lipitor?



Name 3 of the 5 categories of Laxatives

Fecal/Stool softeners, Bulk forming, Osmotic, Stimulant, Emollient


This auxiliary label goes on most "prazole" products

Do not chew or crush

You need 300mg of a medication available as a 2:50 w/w mixture. How much will you need?

0.75 g


This shelf contains medications used most often

Fast mover

List 4 professional attitudes all pharmacy staff should have

Respect, acknowledge differences, observe confidentiality, discreet, empathy, problem solving, follow law/limitations, professionalism

In average, how long should you wait between instilling different eyedrops and in what order? 

5 minutes, thinnest to thickest


What are the 2 goals of treating Diarrhea? and what products can we use for each

Treat symptoms (Imodium, Kaopectate) and Treat Dehydration/fluid loss (Pedialyte, Gastrolyte, Hydralyte)


Name 3 Brands of drugs (otc or prescription) that are used to treat GERD

Gaviscon, Zantac, Pepcid, Losec, Nexium, Prevacid, Pantoloc, Tecta


Most antibiotics and NSAIDS have this label in common

Take with food


If you have a new product that has an AAC of $13.50, how much would the SRP be with a 40% markup.  


Where can Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and OTC drugs be kept

Prescription only, behind the counter away from patients.

Behind the counter, no public access and direct pharmacist intervention

Self selection area but phc must be available (lock n leave)

anywhere/free for all drugs


List 8 of the main steps involved in the dispensing process from start to finish (including the steps while interacting with the patients - hint there are 15 steps total)

1. Receive the prescription. Check the prescription for:
• Legibility
• Missing information
• Required legal information
2. If this is the first prescription for the patient, a patient profile information
must be created. If the patient has had a prescription filled at this pharmacy previously, ensure that their profile record information such as address, and phone number is up to date.
3. Check with the patient regarding any new allergies/medical conditions they
may have. and Ask if the patient has an insurance plan (Third Party Plan) or if there have been any changes to the insurance information you have on file.
4. Check to see if the medication is in stock. If the medication is not in stock,
and it is agreeable with the patient, order the medication from the supplier
5. Give the patient an estimated waiting time for the prescription.

6. Ensure dosage ordered is reasonable for the patient’s age and body size and Calculate the number of doses required to fill the prescription.
7. Type all appropriate information from the prescription into the proper
fields in the computer.
8. Prepare, count out, or pour out the calculated (or requested) amount of
medication prescribed.
9. Check that you are using the correct medication for the prescription. As you
take the medication from the shelf, ensure you have the correct drug and
strength. Always check by referring to the physician’s prescription, as well
as the computer label. Check that the drug and strength on the label
matches that on the container you are using. Ensure that DIN numbers match.
10. Place in a safety vial (unless expectations apply – decreases accidental child poisonings) and place label on medication container.
11. Check the physicians’ prescription again for any errors or omissions, and
check that you have filled the prescription accurately as prescribed.
12. Record or list any medications that need to be ordered if necessary.
13. Place the physicians’ prescription, all paperwork, plus labelled vial, and
stock bottle in the appropriate area to be checked by a pharmacist or
technician (or it may be only the labelled vial that is checked). Verify drug
name and strength one last time as you are doing that.

14. Once the pharmacist has approved the prescription for therapeutic
appropriateness and a final technical check has been completed, the
medication may be given to the patient after collecting the required
15. Always remember to ask the customer if they have any questions for the pharmacist (or refer them to the pharmacist if counselling is required) and do not forget to thank the customer


How long should a patient rest for before taking their blood pressure and how should they be sitting. 

5 minutes, sitting with feet flat on the floor and arm at heart level. 


Yes or no questions

Closed ended questions

avoid this OTC in patients with hormone sensitive conditions such as breast, uterine r ovarian cancers or if allergic to flowers in the daisy family

Milk Thistle


What information is missing from this RX?

no patient name, no date, no drug strength, no MD signature


Jason drops off a new prescription for Methadone daily witnessed ingestion. His daily dose is 54mg and the prescription is for 7 days. How much of the 10mg/mL solution do you use per dose and how much for the full week? 

5.4 mL per dose and 37.8 mL for the week


What can you look at to improve the layout of a retail pharmacy dispensary? Name 4 things that you could change or improve efficiency on

Location of generics, Seperate sections for otcs, fast mover shelf, location of vials, computer by the cash area, location of fridge


Name the steps involved in the final technical check prior to dispensing (hit the key points)

1. Check each part of the prescription for accuracy ─ name and address, drug,
strength, quantity, sig, refills, and doctor information.
2. Ensure the lot and expiry date have been recorded, and that the
medication will not expire before the patient can reasonably be expected
to use it.
3. Ensure the proper auxiliary labels are attached if any are needed.
4. Ensure the medication is packaged properly (for example, if the patient
requested snap caps or blister packing).
5. Initial the hard copy and receipt (this step may be done within the
computer system).
6. Include any dispensing aid that is required (pill splitter, dosage syringe and so on).
7. Bag and file the prescription for pickup or delivery.


Explain the steps that you would explain to a patient who is using eye drops for the first time. 

Wash hands prior to use

Shake bottle if required

Tilt head back

Gently pull lower eyelid down to form a pouch

Remove the cover and hold the bottle over the eye as close as possible without touching the eye

Squeeze the bottle to instill the drop into the pouch

Close the eye and may use 1 finger to apply gentle pressure to the inside corner of the eye

Use a clean tissue to wipe away any excess liquid around the eye

If applying second drop repeat the steps

Put cap back on the bottle – do not touch tip or try to clean it

Wash hands again

Emphasize importance of not touching the dropper to the eye or with fingers


What does the whistle show on an aerochamber

patient is breathing too hard or quickly


OTC used to treat depression

St. Johns wart


Is this RX appropriate to dispense and if not why? and what would your next step be

1. Allergy to drug 2. Overdosing patient based on weight

no appropriate, would need to call MD to adjust to an appropriate medication and dosing based on weight.