The medical term for an abnormal heartbeat is:
Coronary circulation is the movement of blood:
to and from the heart muscle
"Bipolar leads" means that:
Current flow is measured in both directions
When placing the chest electrodes on a female with large breasts, you must:
lift the breast and place the electrodes in the closest position possible
A sudden loss of blood supply and oxygen to a region of heart tissue is known as:
What does the electrocardiogram or ECG detect?
the electrical activity of the heart
The SA node sends electrical impulses at a rate of:
60 to 100 bpm
The leads that make up a 12-lead ECG consist of:
3 standard, 3 augmented, and 6 chest leads
QRS duration measurement is essential to determine the time it takes for:
ventricular depolarization
What device enables lay rescuers to help a patient with sudden cardiac arrest?
Automatic external defibrillator (AED)
The ability of the heart cells to receive and transmit an electrical impulse is known as:
Which method is the only one to be used for irregular rhythms?
6-second method
Why are lead II or a modified chest lead the preferred leads for continuous cardiac monitoring?
These leads provide the best ability to view the P wave
The shape of the P wave is analyzed to determine whether:
all of the atrial current is moving in the same pathway
The AV node has several important functions that help the heart work effectively. Which of the following is not a function of the AV node?
It causes a loss of atrial kick
ECG machines have three basic functions. They are:
input, signal processing, and output display
Which of the following is a sign of ischemia?
ST segment located on the isoelectric line
P wave inversion
absence of R waves
ST segment depression
ST segment depression
Each little box on the ECG paper horizontally represents:
0.04 second
If you can't identify an R wave on the ECG tracing, which of the following wave(s) can you use to determine the regularity of the ventricles?
Q and S wave junction