FFA stands for _______
Future Farmers of America
Agriculture is
the science, art, and business of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock.
SAE stands for ________
Supervised Agricultural Experience
The primary goal of agricultural technology is to
enhance productivity and efficiency.
CDEs prepare students for
agricultural careers through real-world scenarios.
The FFA motto is
"Learn to Do, Do to Learn, Earn to Live, Live to Serve."
Neolithic Revolution
The domestication of plants and animals
what is a Entrepreneurship SAEs?
involves starting a business
Livestock management is improved using
GPS collars and health-monitoring software.
The FFA Creed, written by
E.M. Tiffany
The FFA emblem includes
the owl, plow, and sun, but not a tractor.
Name a globally significant agricultural commodity.
Placement SAEs involves
working for an employer in an agricultural setting
Precision agriculture optimizes resource use by
reducing the environmental impact.
The 3 Circle Model includes
Classroom Instruction, SAE, and FFA,
Official FFA jackets COLOR is
navy blue
Agriculture’s primary role in society
food production
True or False: Leadership is not a category of SAE
An agricultural commodity is
a raw, unprocessed product
What does CDE Stand for?
Career Development Event
Women were officially allowed to join FFA in what year?
Ancient civilizations advanced agriculture through irrigation
irrigation systems.
Who is your FFA advisor?
Ms. Smith