THe 3 C"s"
Check Call Care
Chest compressions should be about how many inches
2 Inches
Yellow sign with a cross in the middle
Street Sign at roundabouts
When turning left, the correct lane to make a turn is
The lane furthest to the left
These affect coordination and reaction time
Three things should you do when responding to an unconscious victim (3)
Look, listen, and feel
Five sided sign that has pedestrians
School Crossing
The worst place to stop near a Railroad
On the tracks
The best way to brake to a stop is to
Apply smooth, steady, firm pressure to the brake pedal.
Even numbered interstates travel in this direction
East/ West
Abdominal thrusts hand position
In the middle of the abdomen just above the belly button.
The three colors on a NO TURN ON RED sign
Red White and Black
Entrances to the interstate
Acceleration lane
The total time needed for a person to determine his or her options and choose one is known as
Human Perception Time
In order to drive a car in Illinois you should have these two items
Insurance and a Valid License
Breath does not go in on an unconscious victim you should
Reposition the victim’s airway and reattempt rescue breath
Signal ahead sign is this color
Heavy traffic, construction, people trying to park, and pedestrians.
Double-dashed lines on the pavement indicate
A passing lane
The basic speed law states that you must
Always drive at a speed that is reasonable and proper for existing conditions.
Unconscious, not breathing 911 is called you then?
Begin CPR
Red circle with a white line
Do Not Enter
Slower speeds, pedestrians/kids playing, driveways
DUI can also be considered
Reckless Driving