What is the definition of exegesis?
What is...
The critical interpretation of the text.
What are the three types of psalms found in the Book of Psalms?
What are lament, praise, and thanksgiving?
What is the name of Job's 3 friends?
Who is...
Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar
When did the Babylonian Exile take place?
587-539 BCE
The meaning of the Hebrew word satan טןש.
What is adversary?
"I will offer a sacrifice of praise and call on the name of the Lord." (Psalm 55:3-4)
The verse above is an example of what kind of psalm?
What is praise or thanksgiving?
During what period do scholars think the Book of Job would have been written?
7th-5th century BCE
This interpretation of the Bible that takes into account various contexts for understanding the text.
What is contextualism?
The Holy Spirit gave assistance to the human authors of the Bible to communicate God's message of salvation.
What is the name of this teaching?
What is Divine Inspiration?
“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat weeping when we remembered Zion.” (Psalm 137:1)
The verse above is an example of what kind of psalm?
What is lament?
How does God appear to Job at the end of the book?
God speaks to Job out of a storm.
This is using a person’s own presuppositions or biases to determine the meaning of a text.
What is Eisegesis?
What is Hermeneutics?
The Book of Psalms is often associated with which King of Israel?
Who is King David?
True or False
Job's story ends with him being restored with what he lost and being given back twice as much as he had.
Job is blessed with seven sons, three daughters, and wealth. He also lives to be a hundred and forty years old!
This ancient Babylonian story from 1200 BCE is said to have inspired the Book of Job. It is also called the Poem of the Righteous Sufferer.
What is...
The Ludlul-Bel-Nemequi?
This argument is a ‘justification of God’ that tries to explain how a perfectly good God could allow evil in the world.
What is theodicy?
True or False?
Most scholars agree that the entire book of Psalms was written by King David in the 10th century BCE.
Multiple sources compiled the book and finished it after the exile (539 BCE).
What is the main thematic question of Job?
If fidelity to God merits success and prosperity, why do the innocent suffer?
“It seems to me that these words of the Psalms become like a mirror to the person singing them, so that he might see himself and the emotions of his soul.”
Which famous saint and church father said this about the Book of Psalms?
Who is Saint Athanasius?