Social Studies
Lit Terms
the life lesson or moral of the story

What is theme?


water in liquid or solid form that falls from the atmosphere 

What is precipitation? 


Time period immediately following the Civil War

What is Reconstruction?


After listening to Natalie's plan to sneak out, Jamie thought: There are one million reasons why this is a horrible idea.



arrangement of words in a sentence according to proper grammar



A force that attracts any object with mass to another object with mass

What is gravity?


reform effort, generally centered in urban areas and begun in the early 1900s, whose aims included returning control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustices in American life.

What is the Progressive Movement?


As they sat on the soft, sugary sand beach waiting for the sunset, the sinking sun shimmered on the water as the blue sky transformed into various shades of purple and pink.



Make a claim answering the following question:

Should junior highs have a "finals week" or follow a regular schedule and give exams in class?

Junior highs should/should not have a finals week because  _____________________________ . 


matching up rocks and fossils in separate locations

What is correlation?


A plan by President Franklin Roosevelt intended to bring economic relief, recovery, and reforms to the country after the Great Depression.

What is the New Deal?


"At eight years old, Hildy stood barely four feet tall. Like our father, she had curly black hair and a small hooked nose and she already wore glasses for acute nearsightedness."



Yet in some ways, Max's new anonymity turned out to be a benefit.  He had become far less conspicuous and was able to go about his business without a constant spotlight on him.  In fact, Reich Minister Goebbels had specifically told the sportswriters to keep Max out of the papers, so as not to remind the German people of his humiliating defeat.

What is most likely the definition of the word conspicuous?

a) bold

b) constant

c) hidden 


d) noticeable


A) heat transfer that occurs when warm air rises and cooler air sinks;

B) heat transfer through direct contact

A)What is convection?

B) what is conduction?


How did the United States "get out" of the Great Depression? What helped the economy?

FDR's New Deal, World War II


There is always such sweet sorrow on the last day of school before summer vacation. 



What is the tone of the following?

“She frantically searched the room for the killer, who she knew was hidden somewhere in the darkness. Moving blindly through the space, she wondered whether she would find him and stop him before it was too late and he moved on to his next victim.”

tense, suspenseful, scary


What is:

deposit of g

deposit of F

deposit of E

deposit of D

deposit of C 

erosion of Z 

deposit of B 

deposit of A 

erosion of Y


Match the number of the amendment to what it changed. 13, 14, 15, 19

A) Gave women the right to vote 

B) Abolished slavery

C) Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude 

D)granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the USA 

A) What is the 19th amendment?

B) What is the 13th amendment?

C) What is the 15th amendment?

D) What is the 14th amendment?


"Finals are on Friday!" the teacher yelled. 

"We have finals?" the smartest student in the class asked, smiling at her friends. 
