The French Revolution
The Industrial Revolution Before 1780
The Industrial Revolution After 1780

This nickname was given to the institution created by the Roman Catholic Church and the monarchy of France prior to the French Revolution.

What is the Ancien Regime?


The instability created by this governmental body allowed Napoleon to take over the government in 1799.

What is the Directory?


Technological innovation, abundance of natural resources, and population growth.

What are causes of industrialization?


This machine allowed for ships to travel faster; it was popularized by James Watt and Matthew Boulton.

What is the Steam Engine?


The Metternich System put this German Confederation state in power politically.

What is Austria?


This political, social, and intellectual movement led to citizens questioning the role of government, the church, and the monarchy over their lives.

What is the Enlightenment?


Napoleon achieved fame throughout all of France, and boosted support among his armies, performing this PR tactic.

What is printing newspapers?


Device invented by John Kay that sped up the weaving process and benefitted the textile industry.

What is the Flying Shuttle?


This socio-economic group saw a growth in their numbers as the result of the grown of urban towns in Great Britain.

What is the middle class?


This economic union bound German Confederation states together through common policies like higher tariffs, lower duties, and profit-sharing.

What is the Zollverein?


This body was called into session, after over 100 years off, to try and solve the budget crisis of France in 1789.

What is the Estates General?


The constitution drafted by Napoleon was legitimized through this process.

What is a plebiscite?


The practice of fencing in common lands into individual holdings.

What is the Enclosure Movement?


Created as a result of the horrible living conditions and pollution in manufacturing towns throughout Great Britain.

What is the Royal Commission Report of 1842?

An attempt to put an elected body in charge of the German government after the Revolutions of 1848.

What is the Frankfurt Parliament?


These declarations eliminated the feudalist system in France.

What are the August Decrees?


Napoleon addressed the continuing economic issues of France by establishing this financial institution.

What is the Bank of France?


This movement consisted of the enclosure movement, crop rotation, selective breeding, and better cereal cultivation/crop fertilization.

What is the Agricultural Revolution?


The institution of tariffs on foreign goods, the protection of foreign trade with a strong merchant navy, and a laissez-faire economic approach.

What is the role of government of industrialization?


Otto von Bismarck was able to manipulate the liberal population of Prussia into supporting his policies by exploiting this one area of common interest.

What is German Unification?


The Jacobins led this movement that took Paris by storm and led to thousands being executed via guillotine.

What is the Reign of Terror?


Napoleon prioritized education of this age group during his time as emperor.

What is secondary age (10 - 16)?


The development of this transportation system greatly reduced travel times between manufacturing centers in Great Britain before 1780.

What are canals?


This law resulted in drastic change for Parliament; specifically in greater representation for the middle class and urban, manufacturing cities.

What is the Great Reform Act of 1832?


After a series of wars masterfully crafted by Bismarck, German unification was finally achieved after this conflict.

What is the Franco-Prussian War?