Respiratory Anatomy
Diseases and disorders
Random Definitions
The Heart

Boyles Law states that volume is inversely related to this

What is pressure


The portion of the airway that makes the back of the throat - the space immediately behind the oral and nasal cavities

What is the pharynx


The deterioration of the brain resulting in the loss of memory, awareness, and understanding.

What is Alzheimers 


The contraction phase of the heart

What is systole


To get from the left atria to the left ventricle you must pass through this valve

What is the bicuspid (mitral) valve


When the pressure in the aorta decreases the cardiac cycle can move to this phase of the cardiac cycle

What is ventricular ejection


This portion of the airway contains both the thyroid and cricoid cartilages

What is the larynx


A deterioration and malformation of the joints due to being attacked by the immune system

What is rheumatoid arthritis


The secretion released by the type II alveolar cells

What is surfactant


These vessels return blood back to the left atria

What are the pulmonary veins


When air pressure in the room is LOWER than the air pressure in the thoracic cavity leading to the movement of air OUT of the lungs

What is exhalation 


The portion of the bronchiole tree that contains the MOST amount of cartilage and the least amount of smooth muscle

What are the primary bronchioles


The loss of the myelin on the nerves leading to skeletal muscle that leads to muscle atrophy and weakness

What is multiple sclerosis (MS)


The portion of the larynx that closes off the trachea when we swallow to avoid choking on food.

What is the epiglottis


This chamber has the largest diameter and is surrounded by the thickest wall of muscle.

What is the left ventricle


The minimum VO2max a person can have to maintain independence 

What is 12 ml/kg/min


The very thin walled, delicate sacs that make up a majority of the lung tissue

What are alveoli


A collection of disorders impacting the heart and circulatory system due to aging and poor health

What is heart disease 


The volume of lungs we can inspire above that of tidal volume 

What is inspiratory reserve volume


Blood leaving the right ventricle will pass through the pulmonary valve and into this vessle

What is the pulmonary trunk (left and right pulmonary arteries)


The phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart is in diastole waiting for pressure in the atria to be greater than the pressure of the ventricle. 

What is isovolumic relaxation


When the abdominal muscles and obliques assist with the ventilation process

What is forced exhalation


The overuse of insulin to move glucose out of the blood and into the muscle causing the insulin receptors to stop working

What is type II diabetes


The production of ATP in the cytoplasm without the help of oxygen or the mitochondria

What is anaerobic respiration


The first chamber that non-oxygenated blood will enter when returning to the heart

What is the right atria