Think of a sample word containing the root -chron- / -chrono-, and use it in a sentence.
EXAMPLE: The teacher asked the students to put the important dates in chronological order.
-Chron- / -chrono- means time.
Name 1 sample word containing the root -phon-, -phone-, -phono-.
Phonics, telephone
-Phon-, -phone-, -phono- means sound/voice.
What is the meaning of the root -cosm- / -cosmo-?
universe, order
MEANING: small
Think of a sample word containing the root -dem- / -demo- and use it in a sentence.
EXAMPLE: In a democracy, every citizen has the right to vote.
-Dem- / -demo- means people.
Name 1 sample word containing the root -pol-, -polis-, -polit-.
political, police, metropolis
-Pol-, -polis-, -polit- means city/state.
What is the meaning of -lyst- /-lyst-?
break down
What is the meaning of the root -morph-?
form, shape
MEANING: measure
-metr- / -meter-
Think of a sample word containing the root -gen- and use it in a sentence.
EXAMPLE: That family has lived in the same house for four generations.
-Gen- means race, kind, origin, birth
Name 1 sample word containing the root -scop- /-scope-.
Microscope, telescope, microscopic
-Scop- /-scope- means watch/look at.
What is the meaning of the root -gnos-?
What root word means distant or far off?
-astr- / -astro-
Think of a sample word containing the root -graph-, -graphy-, -gram- and use it in a sentence.
EXAMPLES: The telegraph was invented in the 1830s and 1840s, with the first message sent in 1844.
Her favorite subject was geography.
She sent a telegram saying she would be arriving the next day.
-Graph- / -graphy- / -gram- mean to write.
Name 1 sample word containing the root -graph-, -graphy-, -gram-.
Graphite, geography, telegram, autobiography
-Graph-, -graphy-, -gram- means write.
What is the meaning of the root -log- / -logue-?
speech, word, reasoning
MEANING: put or place
Think of a sample word containing the root -gnos- and use it in a sentence.
EXAMPLE: Students try their best on their diagnostic test.
-Gnos- means know.
Name 1 sample word that contains the root -log- / -logue-.
Dialogue, monologue, logic
-Log- / -logue- means speech, word, reasoning.
What is the meaning of the root -dog- /-dox-?
opinion, teaching
How many questions are on the final exam?