Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
The most common value (for variables measured at the nominal level) or the value around which cases tend to center.
What is Central Tendency
Notes that describe what has been observed, heard, or otherwise experienced in a participant observation study. These notes usually are written after the observational session.
What is Field Notes
Written or visual records, not produced by the researcher.
What is Archival data
A type of evaluation research that compares program costs with the economic value of program benefits.
What is Cost–benefit analysis
Methods, such as participant observation, intensive interviewing, and focus groups, that are designed to capture social life as participants experience it rather than in categories the researcher predetermines. These methods typically involve exploratory research questions, inductive reasoning, an orientation to social context, and a focus on human subjectivity and the meanings participants attach to events and to their lives.
What is Qualitative methods
The arithmetic, or weighted, average computed by adding up the value of all the cases and dividing by the total number of cases.
What is The Mean
A qualitative method that involves unstructured group interviews in which the focus group leader actively encourages discussion among participants on the topics of interest.
What is Focus Groups
Either the erosion or the accumulation of physical substances that can be used as evidence of activity. For instance, footprints in snow indicate that someone has walked there.
What is Physical traces
A type of evaluation research that compares program costs with program effects. It can be either a cost-benefit analysis or a cost-effectiveness analysis.
What is Efficiency analysis
A qualitative method that involves open-ended, relatively unstructured questioning in which the interviewer seeks in-depth information on the interviewee’s feelings, experiences, and perceptions.
What is Intensive (depth) interviewing
The total number of cases in a distribution.
What is "n"
A qualitative method for gathering data that involves developing a sustained relationship with people while they go about their normal activities.
What is Participant observation
A measurement based on physical traces or other data that are collected without the knowledge or participation of the individuals or groups that generated the data.
What is Unobtrusive measures
Resources, raw materials, clients, and staff that go into a program.
What is Inputs
Statistical techniques used to describe and analyze variation in quantitative measures.
What is Quantitative data analysis
What is the mean of 18, 20, 22, and 26?
What is 21.5
The point at which subject selection is ended in intensive interviewing because new interviews seem to yield little additional information.
What is Saturation point
When the people being studied know they are being studied, and so may modify their answers or even the behavior being studied itself.
What is Reactive methods
A type of evaluation research that attempts to determine the needs of some population that might be met with a social program.
What is Needs assessment
The services delivered or new products produced by the program process.
What is Outputs
The square root of the average squared deviation of each case from the mean.
What is Standard deviation
An insider who is willing and able to provide a field researcher with superior access and information, including answers to questions that arise during the research.
What is Key informant
A research method for systematically analyzing and making inferences from text.
What is Content analysis
A type of evaluation research conducted to determine whether it is feasible to evaluate a program’s effects within the available time and resources.
What is Evaluability assessment
An orientation to evaluation research that expects researchers to emphasize the importance of researcher expertise and maintenance of autonomy from program stakeholders.
What is Social science approaches (to evaluation)