Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience
Short-Term and Working Memory

Reaction time refers to the time between the _______ of a stimulus and a person's response to it.

Select one:

a. presentation

b. change in intensity

c. sensation

d. transduction

a. presentation


The fusiform face area (FFA) in the brain is often damaged in patients with

Select one:

a. Broca's aphasia.

b. prosopagnosia.

c. Alzheimer's disease.

d. Wernicke's aphasia.

b. prosopagnosia.


Which of the following is NOT considered a starting point for perception?

Select one:

a. feeling

b. thinking

c. hearing

d. seeing

b. thinking


If you are folding towels while watching television, you may find that you don't have to pay much attention to the act of folding while keeping up with the storyline on the TV show. Folding the towels would be an example of a(n) ________ task.

Select one:

a. filtered

b. attenuated

c. low-load

d. high-load

c. low-load


Which of the following represents the most effective chunking of the digit sequence 14929111776?

Select one:

a. 149 29111 776

b. 1492 911 1776

c. 14 92 91 117 76

d. 14 929 111 776

b. 1492 911 1776


In Donders's experiment on decision making, when participants were asked to press a button upon presentation of a light, they were engaged in a

Select one:

a. classical conditioning task.

b. simple reaction time task.

c. sensory memory task.

d. choice reaction time task.

b. simple reaction time task.


The value that stays the same as long as there are no signals in the neuron is known as

Select one:

a. action potential.

b. nerve transmission.

c. resting potential.

d. nerve impulse.

c. resting potential.


The sequence of steps that includes the image on the retina, changing the image into electrical signals, and neural processing is an example of _____ processing.

Select one:

a. top-down

b. Gestalt

c. serial

d. bottom-up

d. bottom-up


Broadbent's model is called an early selection model because

Select one:

a. incoming information is selected by the detector.

b. the filtering step occurs before the information enters the sensory memory.

c. the filter eliminates unattended information at the beginning of the information flow.

d. only a select set of environmental information enters the system.

c. the filter eliminates unattended information at the beginning of the information flow.


Brief sensory memory for sound is known as

Select one:

a. pre-perceptual auditory memory.

b. primary auditory memory.

c. echoic memory.

d. iconic memory.

c. echoic memory.


Donders's main reason for doing his choice reaction time experiment was to study

Select one:

a. decision making.

b. sensation.

c. childhood attachment styles.

d. personality development.

a. decision making.


Action potentials occur in the

Select one:

a. neurotransmitters.

b. synapse.

c. cell body.

d. axon.

d. axon.


The term semantics, when applied to perception, means the

Select one:

a. regularly occurring physical properties of an environment.

b. inferences made based on the likelihood of a particular stimulus.

c. statistical probabilities of one particular sound following another in language.

d. meaning of a scene, often related to what is happening within the scene.

d. meaning of a scene, often related to what is happening within the scene.


Colin Cherry's experiment in which participants listened to two different messages, one presented to each ear, found that people

Select one:

a. could focus on one message and ignore the other one at the same time.

b. could focus on a message only if they rehearsed it.

c. could not focus on a message presented to only one ear.

d. could focus on a message only if they are repeating it.

a. could focus on one message and ignore the other one at the same time.


Which of the following stimuli will last longer in the receiver's sensory memory?

Select one:

a. A striped top on a mannequin

b. An infant's first smile

c. A lion's roar at the zoo

d. A red bird in the snow

c. A lion's roar at the zoo


The first experiments in cognitive psychology were based on the idea that mental responses can be

Select one:

a. inferred from the participant's behavior.

b. measured by comparing the presentation of the stimulus and the participant's response.

c. measured directly.

d. measured by comparing responses among different participants.

a. inferred from the participant's behavior.


Taking clay and sand to create bricks, which are then used to build modular wall panels, which are then assembled to construct tall buildings, is similar to which of the following neural concepts?

Select one:

a. Localization of function

b. Distributed representation

c. Hierarchical processing

d. Specificity coding

c. Hierarchical processing


When Carlos moved to the United States, he did not understand any English. Phrases like "Anna Mary Can Pi and I Scream Class Hick" didn't make any sense to him. Now that Carlos has been learning English, he recognizes this phrase as "An American Pie and Ice Cream Classic." This example illustrates that Carlos was not capable of ____ in English.

Select one:

a. speech segmentation

b. the likelihood principle

c. algorithms

d. bottom-up processing

a. speech segmentation


Which of the following options would NOT be an important factor in automatic processing?

Select one:

a. Ease in performing parallel tasks

b. The use of few cognitive resources

c. Tasks that are well-practiced

d. Close attention

d. Close attention


The effective duration of short-term memory, when rehearsal is prevented, is

Select one:

a. indefinite.

b. 15-20 seconds or less.

c. just under a fraction of a second.

d. one to three minutes or more.

b. 15-20 seconds or less.


According to Ebbinghaus's research on memory, savings is a function of

Select one:

a. reaction time.

b. elapsed time.

c. sensory modality.

d. word familiarity.

b. elapsed time.


A 10-month-old baby is interested in discovering different textures, comparing the touch sensations between a soft blanket and a hard wooden block. Tactile signals such as these are received by the __________ lobe.

Select one:

a. frontal

b. parietal

c. occipital

d. temporal

b. parietal


If a Gestalt psychologist was baking a cake for an event, what would they be most focused on?

Select one:

a. the cake

b. the flour

c. the flavor

d. the oven

a. the cake


According to Treisman's attenuation model, which of the following would you expect to have the highest threshold for most people?

Select one:

a. Their child's first name

b. The word "home"

c. The word "money"

d. The word "platypus"

d. The word "platypus"


The staff working in the air traffic control tower at a busy airport can be considered a suitable metaphor for which of the following?

Select one:

a. articulatory rehearsal

b. central executive

c. working memory

d. episodic buffer

b. central executive