Final Exam Potpourri
Final Exam Potpourri
Final Exam Potpourri
Final Exam Potpourri
Final Exam Potpourri
Money was given to Greece and Turkey to stop the spread of communism with what?
Truman Doctrine
Put these conflicts in chronological order Vietnam War War on Terror World War II Korean War
World War II Korean War Vietnam War War on Terror
What argument would an opponent of imperialism make against it?
You do not have to own a place to trade with them
2 contributors to the creative arts during the Harlem Renaissance were
Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington
What did the Harlem Renaissance do for the black community during the 1920s?
made black arts popular in the United States
Why was rationing used during World War II
Make sure that the military had all essential materials and goods
What impact did Navajo Code Talkers have on the Pacific Theater during World War II
Their code was unbreakable and helped win the war
What region was affected by the Dust Bowl
The Great Plains
What allowed consumers to buy goods on credit during the 1920s
Monthly Installment Plans
Yellow Journalism forced the United States into what war?
Spanish-American War
The October Russian Revolution, Sacco and Vanzetti Trial and Palmer Raids are all examples of what?
The Red Scare during the 1920s
During times of crisis the power of the president does what?
What 3 things led to the stock market crash of 1929
Over-speculation of stocks, lack of banking regulation and buying stocks on margin
What impact did Henry Ford's assembly line have on the auto industry?
Decreased the cost of automobiles and increased production
During times of crisis, the federal government can and has
Restricted citizens' rights
Why was the use of atomic weapons in World War II justified
It saved American lives, shortened the war and intimidated the Soviet Union.
Following the Election of 1936, why did FDR have a great deal of executive power?
Congress was Democratic and allowed him to lead he nation as he pleased
Opponents of Isolationism during World War II would have argued that the United States was doing what?
Ignoring threats caused by foreign aggression
What did the KKK in the 1920s do in an attempt to increase membership?
Blamed national problems on immigrants and non-protestant groups
This asked Mexico to join the Germans in World War I if the Unites States joined the war, and caused the United States to enter the war?
Zimmerman Telegram
How did women help the war effort on the homefront during World War II
Took jobs in factories making weapons and goods.
The legacy of the New Deal was that the government should do what?
Provide relief to citizens for their well being.
What did FDR attempt to do to the Supreme Court? Was he successful? Was he happy with the results?
Add Justices (court packing), not successful, not happy
The John Scopes Monkey Trial in the 1920s showed the conflict between what?
Science and Religion
Why did many United States senators refuse to join the League of Nations?
They felt it would involve the United States in future foreign conflicts