Short-Term and Working Memory
Long-Term Memory:
Long-Term Memory: Encoding and Retrieval

What is the process of unconscious inference?

Select one:

a. When our subconscious interferes with what we perceive from our retinas

b. When our perceptions are the result of inferences that we make about the environment

c. When our unconscious perceptions align with our conscious perceptions

d. When our subconscious mind interferes with our conscience

b. When our perceptions are the result of inferences that we make about the environment


The Stroop effect demonstrates people's inability to ignore the __________ of words.

Select one:

a. meaning

b. font

c. size

d. color

a. meaning


Working memory differs from short-term memory in that

Select one:

a. short-term memory consists of a number of components.

b. short-term memory has a central executive function.

c. working memory is engaged in processing information.

d. working memory has unlimited capacity.

c. working memory is engaged in processing information.


Which of the following is an example of a semantic memory?

Select one:

a. I remember "volcano" was the first word on the list Juan read to me.

b. I remember seeing a volcano erupt in Hawaii last summer.

c. I remember the big island of Hawaii has many active volcanoes.

d. I remember my earth science teacher telling me how volcanoes erupt.

c. I remember the big island of Hawaii has many active volcanoes.


Research shows that ___________ does not improve reading comprehension because it does not encourage elaborative processing of the material.

Select one:

a. organization

b. making up questions about the material

c. highlighting

d. feedback

c. highlighting


Entering a church service and seeing someone selling hot dogs and cotton candy from a cart near the altar would be perceived as a violation of

Select one:

a. scene schema.

b. mirror neurons.

c. natural selection.

d. pragnanz.

a. scene schema.


Each time you briefly pause on one face, you are making a(n) ______________.

Select one:

a. saccadic eye movement

b. fixation

c. stimulus salience

d. overt attention

b. fixation


The three structural components of the modal model of memory are

Select one:

a. sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory.

b. receptors, occipital lobe, temporal lobe.

c. receptors, temporal lobe, frontal lobe.

d. sensory memory, iconic memory, rehearsal.

a. sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory.


Ming is taking a memory test. She is more likely to recall the name of a popular singer if she had

Select one:

a. attended the singer's concert last year with her boyfriend.

b. just read about the singer in a magazine.

c. just seen the singer on TV.

d. recently seen the singer on TV and read about the singer in a magazine.

a. attended the singer's concert last year with her boyfriend.


Which of the following provides the key benefit to the generate-and-test study strategy?

Select one:

a. Engagement

b. Classification

c. Elaboration

d. Rehearsal

a. Engagement


Which of the following adjectives has the LEAST connection to perception?

Select one:

a. supportive

b. conscious

c. complex

d. interactive

b. conscious


The "filter model" proposes that the filter identifies the attended message based on

Select one:

a. higher order characteristics.

b. meaning.

c. modality.

d. physical characteristics.

d. physical characteristics.


If working memory were an actual workplace, which of the following best describes the members of Baddeley's model?

Select one:

a. competing employees

b. workers and manager

c. equal team members

d. independent consultants

b. workers and manager


As people get older, their memories of past experiences tend to have an emphasis on ________.

Select one:

a. episodes

b. feelings

c. procedures

d. facts

d. facts


Lakeisha and Kim have been studying for two hours for their chemistry exam. Both girls are tired of studying. Lakeisha decides to watch a two-hour movie on DVD, while Kim decides to go to bed. What would you predict about their performance on the chemistry exam?

Select one:

a. Kim performs better because of encoding specificity.

b. Kim performs better because of consolidation.

c. Lakeisha performs better because of consolidation.

d. Lakeisha performs better because of encoding specificity.

b. Kim performs better because of consolidation.


Evidence for the role of top-down processing in perception is shown by which of the following examples?

Select one:

a. When someone cannot read an illegible word in a written sentence

b. When someone accurately identifies a word in a song on a radio broadcast despite static interfering with reception

c. When someone can easily select a target that has a feature distinct from distracters

d. When someone easily identifies an object even though that object is unexpected in that context (e.g., identifying a telephone inside a refrigerator)

b. When someone accurately identifies a word in a song on a radio broadcast despite static interfering with reception


Eye tracking studies investigating attention as we carry out actions such as making a peanut butter sandwich found that a person's eye movements

Select one:

a. usually follow a motor action by a fraction of a second.

b. are influenced by unusual objects placed in the scene.

c. continually scan all objects and areas of the scene.

d. are determined primarily by the task.

d. are determined primarily by the task.


Information remains in sensory memory for

Select one:

a. seconds or a fraction of a second.

b. as long as it is rehearsed.

c. one to three minutes.

d. 15-30 seconds.

a. seconds or a fraction of a second.


Which of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to autobiographical memories?

Select one:

a. Autobiographical memories are highly accurate from as early as 3 years of age.

b. It is not possible to have an autobiographical memory that has only semantic or episodic content.

c. When autobiographical memories are impaired, their episodic content will block access to related semantic content.

d. Autobiographical memories can involve both episodic and semantic content.

d. Autobiographical memories can involve both episodic and semantic content.


People often report an annoying memory failure when they walk from one end of the house to the other for something and then forget what they wanted when they reach their destination. As soon as they return to the first room, they are reminded of what they wanted in the first place. This common experience best illustrates the principle of

Select one:

a. the self-reference effect.

b. encoding specificity.

c. levels of processing theory.

d. maintenance rehearsal.

b. encoding specificity.


The results of Gauthier's "Greeble" experiment illustrate

Select one:

a. that neurons specialized to respond to faces are present in our brains when we are born.

b. that our nervous systems remain fairly stable in different environments.

c. an effect of experience-dependent plasticity.

d. that training a monkey to recognize the difference between common objects can influence how the monkey's neurons fire to these objects.

c. an effect of experience-dependent plasticity.


Proponents of multitasking would note ________ to support their opinion, whereas opponents of multitasking would point to ________ to justify their perspective.

Select one:

a. distraction; selective attention

b. attentional capture; divided attention

c. divided attention; distraction

d. selective attention; divided attention

c. divided attention; distraction


Have you ever tried to think of the words and hum the melody of one song while the radio is playing a different song? People have often noted that this is very difficult to do. This difficulty can be understood as

A) articulatory suppression.

B) an overload of sensory memory.

C) rehearsal interference.

D) an LTM recency effect.

A) articulatory suppression.


Believing that a particular statement is true simply because you have seen the statement in previous instances is known as the ________ effect.

Select one:

a. propaganda

b. primacy

c. recency

d. conditioning

a. propaganda


According to the levels of processing theory, memory durability depends on the depth at which information is

Select one:

a. stored.

b. encoded.

c. retrieved.

d. consolidated.

b. encoded.