Narrative Elements
Literary Devices
The Hate U Give
Capitalization, punctuation, etc.

Define "protagonist" and "antagonist"

Protagonist: The main character of a story, movie, etc.

Antagonist: The character or force that goes against the protagonist


What is personification?

When an author gives human qualities to something that isn't human (i.e., the talking tea cups in Beauty and the Beast).


How did Starr know Khalil?

They were old childhood friends.


Correct this sentence:

Are their any more cookies left?

"Their" should be "there"

Are there anymore cookies left?


Provide an example of two words that rhyme.

Answers may vary.


Cat and hat

Night and light


What are the five plot elements that make up a story?

Hint: Think of a plot diagram; it's like a roller coaster.

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution 


What is hyperbole?

Exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally. 

Or more concisely, it is exaggeration.


In Chapter 1, Starr went to a party with Kenya and felt ____

Starr felt left out. She went to a different school than Kenya and the other kids so she felt left out of their conversation.


Correct this sentence:

Yesterday, I went to the park

It need a period at the end.

Yesterday, I went to the park.


What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

A simile is a comparison that uses the word "like" or "as" while a metaphor is a comparison that does not use the word "like" or "as."


What is the theme of a story?

The lesson, message or moral we can take away from a story. 

Note: Stories can and often do have multiple themes.


Provide an example of onomatopoeia. 

Answers may vary.

Boom! Clap! Pow! 


Ms. Rosalie is Khalil's grandmother. What did she do for Starr's mother, Lisa, when she was younger?

She babysat Starr and Sekani while Lisa was in nursing school


Correct this sentence:

Jack and Jill went on a trip to Los angeles

The 'A' in 'Angeles' should also be capitalized because it is part of the name of a city. A period is also required at the end. 

Jack and Jill went on a trip to Los Angeles.


Who are the two rival familes in Romeo and Juliet?

The Capulets and Montagues


What is a static character?

What is a dynamic character?

Static: A character that does not change throughout the course of a story

Dynamic: A character that changes or grows throughout the course of a story


What is imagery?

Descriptive language that helps readers visualize or imagine a scene.

Example) The trees swayed in the wind, their leaves resembling green flames.


In chapter 10, what does Maverick agree to help Devante with?

He agrees to help him get out of gang life (the King Lords).


Correct this sentence:

I love to read books I would read one every day if I could.

This can be corrected in three ways:

-I love to read books. I would read one every day if I could.

-I love to read books; I would read one every day if I could.

I love to read books, so I would read one every day if I could.


Why was Romeo banished from Verona?

Romeo was banished after he killed Tybalt, who killed Mercutio. 


Define the three types of Point of a View (POV)

First Peron POV

Third Person Limited POV

Third Person Omniscient POV

First Person: The narrator is in the story and tells it from his/her/their own point of view

Third Person Limited: The narrator is an outsider and has limited knowledge (knows the thoughts and feelings of one characters)

Third Person Omniscient: The narrator is all knowing (knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters)


What is alliteration? Provide an example.

The repetition of consonant sounds very close to each other.

Example) Sally sold sea shells


What do the residents of Garden Heights do after King starts the fire and the police arrive?

They all start speaking up and tell the police that King is responsible for the fire.


Define the three types of irony:

Verbal Irony:

Situational Irony:

Dramatic Irony:

Verbal Irony: When what is said is the opposite of what is meant

Situational Irony: When a situation is the opposite of what you would expect

Dramatic Irony: When the audience or reader knows something the characters in a story or film do not know.

In The Hate U Give, how does Lisa define bravery?

Being brave doesn't mean you aren't afraid, it means you keep going even when your are afraid.