The person who protects Odysseus throughout his journey?
This protagonist was away from home for 20 years.
Odysseus is the king of this land.
After eating the lotus plants, the men wanted to do this.
stay on the island forever
These three men help Odysseus slay the suitors.
Telemachus, the swineherd, and the cowherd
This is the God of the gods.
This person is Odysseus' wife.
Odysseus finally returns home to this place
The men ultimately escape the Cyclops by doing this.
attaching themselves to the underbellies of the rams/ sheep
Odysseus returns home disguised as this.
This person is angry with Odysseus for blinding his son and for not giving him thanks with the Trojan Horse idea.
This is Odysseus' son.
This is where Odysseus is held captive for 7 years.
Calypso's island
Scylla is described as having this.
6 heads
Odysseus goes to the prophet for this.
to see his future
This person is the god of the wind.
This is Odysseus' faithful swineherd.
This is where men are turned into pigs.
Circe's island
Penelope says before choosing a new husband she must do this first:
Weave a burial shroud.
Aeolus does this for Odysseus.
he puts wind in a bag to help Odysseus and his men get home
This person is the sun god. (And has lots of cows)
This is Odysseus' father.
This is where the blind prophet instructs Odysseus on the specifics of how to get home.
The Underworld, or Land of the Dead
Penelope offers this challenge to her suitors.
she will marry the man who can string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through 12 iron axe handles
Odysseus must to this when he returns home as an apology to Poseidon.
make an animal offering on holy land