Gender Stereotypes & Roles
Gender Identity
The Family
Peer Relationships
Media & Schooling
Widely held beliefs about characteristics deemed appropriate for males and females, respectively.
What are gender stereotypes
Cognitive developmental theory maintains that self-perceptions come before behavior and that over the preschool years, children develop _____ _____, which is a full understanding of the biologically based permanence of their gender.
What is gender constancy
Children first acquire the skills for interacting with peers here.
What is within the family.
Increases in ________ and __________ are benefits of a constructivist classroom.
What are critical thinking and moral maturity.
Traits emphasizing warmth, caring, and sensitivity; these traits have been viewed as feminine
What are expressive traits
The degree to which the child feels satisfied with his or her gender assignment.
What is gender contentedness
Eva plays near other children with similar interests, but does not try to influence their behavior. She is involved in _________ play.
What is parallel play.
Media violence is related to this negative behavioral outcome.
What is aggression.
Gender stereotyping of activities and occupations is well established by age...
What is age 5
Adolescence is typically accompanied by _____ _____, which is increased gender stereotyping of attitudes and behavior and movement toward a more traditional gender identity.
What is gender intensification
Rough and tumble play may help children establish ____________, a stable ordering of group members that predicts who will win when conflict arises.
What is a dominance hierarchy.
In _____ teachers guide the learning process, but adults and children are equal contributors.
What are communities of learning.
By age ___, same-sex peers positively reinforce one another for "gender-appropriate" play and criticize one another for "cross-gender play."
What is age 3
Information-processing approach that explains how environmental pressures and children's cognitions work together to shape gender typing.
What is gender schema theory
The _______ not the amount of solidarity and parallel play changes during early childhood.
What is the type.
There is a(n) ________ relationship between the amount of television watched and socioeconomic status.
What is inverse.
Research looking at children from larger families have found a _____ _____, reflecting the need of children in larger families to find a way to stand out.
What is differentiation effect
Sally saw on Snapchat that all her friends went out to Joshua Tree without her. They have been excluding her from plans and leaving her out of conversations. Her "friends" have also been tweeting nasty things that she thinks are about her. But, they are still polite to her in person. Sally is experiencing...
What is relational aggression
Name the four main categories of peer acceptance.
What are rejected children, neglected children, popular children, and controversial children.
A benefit of adolescents engaging in frequent online interactions with friends is __________.
What is closer intimacy.