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Dietary concerns
Lab values
You just had an allergic reaction at clinical due to latex exposure last week. Mrs. Ketcham had you obtain an epi pen and has fully reviewed how you are to use it should you have a repeat issue!! Name four foods you now have to avoid as they are linked with a latex allergy.
What are potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and avocados
Name two lymphocytes! Hint: we rhyme
What are T and B cells
Kelly has HTN and was told to decrease stress and modify her diet ASAP. She needs to be educated on food selections: which of the following food choices is best for her: chopped steak? Hamburger? Fried fish? Grilled chicken?
What is grilled chicken
I am the test that examines the shape and structure of RBCs
What is a peripheral smear?
I am the frequent manner in which HIV continues to be spread.
What is men having sex with men
Your pediatrician has ordered a liquid form of iron for your child due to mild anemia. How as a parent are you administering it to avoid staining of your little ones teeth
What is taking the med via a straw?!
In a healthy person I last 120 days. Provide both of my names
What is an RBC or Erthrocyte
I am on warfarin. I ate a ton of green leafy vegetables. I did it because it's good for my bones! Do you think this will affect my INR? If so, will the level go up or down?
What is go down! Does this mean I have the potential to develop blood clots or hemorrhage?
I have many " bands" on my CBC with differentiation indicating a severe infection. Is this a shift to the right or left?
What is shift to the left
Tell me three things that make the dr tell me I have now transitioned from HIV status to AIDS
What is positive HIV TEST, CD4 below 200 and opportunistic infections
I am a non sparing potassium diuretic that should be taken in the morning
What is Furosemide or Lasix
I store 500 ml of RBCs as a back up to help you in a crisis. If you remove me from the body, the patient is then deemed forever immune compromised.
What is the spleen?
I am allergic to peanuts but am undergoing desensitization in the office of my allergist. I start to cough, itch, and my lip starts to swell. How can you help me?
What is give epi pen stat Bonus: what weight tells you you need an epi pen jr versus adult epi pen
I have tested negative for this rapid HIV test, but due to concern that I had intercourse with an HIV positive partner you have me return for a repeat of this rapid HIV test. My second test is positive. As there can be false positives you then perform a confirmatory test. What tests are Kelly talking about ?
What is an Elisa, followed by an Elisa, followed by a Western Blot
Sadly, my immune system can no longer sustain me now that I have AIDS. What will I pass away from
What is opportunistic infection
You just gave stat epi pen after a patient experienced near anaphylaxis from skin testing for allergies. The patient was wheezing! What effect does the epinephrine cause to alleviate the wheezing?
What is bronchodilation
Name the process when cells engulf and digest microorganisms and cellular waste and debris.
What is phagocytosis
Okay, WHEW!! You gave me the epi pen and put me on my left side( the recovery position) I stopped wheezing . I'm feeling better but the dr is still going to send me to the ED. What did the epi pen actually do for me with respect for my lungs???
What is bronchodilation?
I have been told my sputum is positive for Acid Fast Bacillus. What is my diagnosis?
What is tuberculosis
I just found out I have HIV. Who needs to be told in the best interest of me and those I had relations with?
What is disclose to any and all partners and tell all my healthcare providers so obtain the best multidisciplinary care possible.
I was just diagnosed with right sided heart failure. Name two objective findings during your head to toe assessment
What is edema and neck vein distension
You assess a CBC WITH DIFF and note many "bands". What is this indicative of
What is severe infection/sepsis?
I am being treated for gastric reflux so my dr prescribed Metoclopramide. Tell Kelly another name for me, and when should I take this med for efficacy?
What is Reglan? What is take 30 minutes before my meal
I am diagnosed with pernicious anemia. How is my dr going to treat me?
What is giving B 12