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500 Points
Parents are concerned that their provider suspects Turner syndrome in their newborn. What physical characteristics an the nurse point out that lead to this suspicion? - Cleft lip and palate - Weak, high pitched cry - Webbed neck and lymphedema - Long arms and small genitalia
What is Webbed neck and lymphedema
A child has sustained a minor burn. The nurse should teach the family that the child's diet should be high in which type of food? - Fats - Protein - Minerals - Carbohydrates
What is Protein
A child has been hospitalized with severe case of impetigo contagiosa. What antibiotic(s) should the nurse expect to be prescribed? - Dicloxacillin (Pathocil) - Rimampin (Rifadin) - Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim) - Metronidazole (Flagyl)
What is Dicloxacillin (Pathocil)
Match the following fractures to the accurate description: A. Buckle B. Green Stick C. Plastic deformation D. Spiral A: Only one cortex of the bone has a fracture B: A twisting motions causes the fracture C: THe fracture site contains a bulge or raised area D: The bone is ben no more than 45*
Buckle = C Green Stick = A Plastic deformation = D Spiral = B
A nurse is examining a 12 month old who was brought to the clinic for persistent diaper rash. the nurse finds perianal inflammation, with bright red, scaly plaques and small papules. Satellite lesions are also present. Which of the following is the most likely cause? - Impetigo (rash) - Candida albicans (yeast) - Urine and feced - Infrequent diapering
What is Candida albicans (yeast)
A child with nephrotic syndrome has been placed on prednisone. The nurse knows that for this syndrome, prednisone will be given how often? - Daily for 6 weeks, then 6 weeks of alternate day doses - Daily for 1 week - On a short burst schedule - Infrequently
What is Daily for 6 weeks, then 6 weeks of alternate day doses
A school nurse is screening for scoliosis. For what assessment findings would the nurse look? Select all that apply. - Uneven shoulders and hips - A one sided rib hump - Prominent scapula - Lordosis - Pain
What is - Uneven shoulders and hips - A one sided rib hump - Prominent scapula
Match each genetic term with its definition and function: A. Congenital A:Morphonogenic defect of an organ B. FISH analysis B: Recognized pattern of malformation C. Genome C: Present at birth D. Malformation D: Clinically exhibited characteristic E. Phenotype E: Fluorescent in situ hybridization F. Syndrome F: Complete genetic info. of organism
A = C B = E C = F D = A E = D F = B
A child has just returned from spinal fusion surgery. The nurse should check for signs of: - Increased intracranial pressure - Seizure activity - Impaired pupillary response during neurological checks - Impaired color, sensitivity, and movement to lower extremities.
What is Impaired color, sensitivity, and movement to lower extremities.
A child is undergoing hemodialysis. For which complication should the nurse be concerned? - Hypertension - Shock - Neutropenia - Headaches
What is Shock
Which of the following nursing interventions is appropriate when working with a school age child who has a terminal disease? - Give factual explanations of the disease, medications, and procedures. - Perform all care for the child - Tell the child that everything will be okay - Reinforce that being in the hospital is not punishment for the behavior.
What is Give factual explanations of the disease, medications, and procedures.
The nurse is caring for a child following cardiac catheterization. Which instruction to the child's parents would have the highest priority? - Report any dizziness to the nurse - Monitor the child's intake and output - Leave the bandage in place until given instructions to remove it. - Alert the nurse if bandages become bloody.
What is Alert the nurse if bandages become bloody.
Early signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus in infants include which of the following? - Confusion, headache, diplopia - Rapid head growth, poor feedings, confusion - Papilledema, irritability, headache - Full fontanels, poor feeding, rapid head growth
What is Full fontanels, poor feeding, rapid head growth
According to Freud, the most significant achievement of toddlers is: - Rolling over - Talking - Toilet training - Walking
What is Toilet training
An infant who has been in foster care since birth requires a blood transfusion. Who is authorized to give written, informed consent for the procedure? - The foster mother - The socal worker who placed the infant in the foster home - The registered nurse caring for the infant - The nurse manager
What is The foster mother