Research Areas at CU
Cultural vs Rhetorical (Discourse & Society)
Micro/Macro &
Big D/little d
Organizational Communication
The three research areas in the Communication Department at CU.
What is Rhetoric, Discourse and Society, and Organizational Communication.
Alignment between speakers and listeners.
What is identification.
Assumes that people talk in particular ways in order to accomplish desired identities (or avoid disvalued ones)
What is the Rhetorical Perspective
The service encounters in Bailey's article represent this level of interaction.
What is the micro level of interaction because the interactions are observable forms of communication.
In this view of organizational communication, communication occurs within organizations.
What is the transmission view. Bonus: how is this view critiqued?
The study of how communication is used to persuade and motivate others. List two faculty members at CU who are in this area.
What is Rhetoric. Faculty: Pete Simonson, Lisa Flores, John Ackerman, Marlia Banning, Jamie Skerski.
Name these two concepts. 1) speaker characteristics 2) playing on audience emotions
What is ethe and pathe
The cultural and rhetorical perspectives are used to analyze this communication involved in the presentation of this concept.
What is Identity
Engstrom's claim about masculinity is an example of what kind of discourse?
What is Bid D discourse. Bonus: How does this Big D discourse influence the little d discourse, according to Engstrom?
View of Organizational Communication that focuses on processes of organizing and the creation of organizations through talk.
What is the Communicative Constitution of Organization (CCO).
"How does language use translate into social action and social life? How can it be used differently?" These are questions asked by what area of the communication department at CU
What is Discourse and Society
Form of engaged scholarship, according to Pete Simonson.
What is Mercurian Rhetoric
The example of Corax was used to explain the beginnings of the study of communication. What is the research area associated with Corax?
What is Rhetoric.
Old diagnosis for the Big D discourses discussed by Ashcraft and Flores. Include description of the disorder.
What is neurasthenia. Symptoms include fatigue, depression, anxiety, headache etc. resulting from a loss of nerve or "over-civilization."
Properties that do not change no matter how we talk about them. Include the three categories associated with this concept.
What are material aspects (objects, sites, bodies).
CU's perspective on communication, according to the perspectives map.
What is the social action perspective
Publishing an academic paper on the rhetoric of sexual assault is an example of what kind of rhetoric, according to Simonson.
What is Appolonian rhetoric. Bonus points: How could this be changed to become Mercurian Rhetoric?
a social group that shares (1) particular communicative resources (e.g., a language) and (2) ways of using them to talk social relations into being
What is a speech community.
How do WPM's cope with their injured masculinity in popular movies according to Ashcraft and Flores?
What is the use of emotional/physical aggression; and the rejection of social expectations (virtue, decorum), of consumption, of popular beliefs/expectations about success
Examples of materiality from Erickson's "You Wrestlin'?" piece (objects, sites, and bodies).
What is: Object: punch card. Site: community college, gym to office layout. Bodies: age, ethnicity of participants.
List 5 communication careers discussed in Pathways.
What is advertising, communication education, health communication, electronic media/broadcasting, marketing, new media technology, organizational communication, political communication, public relations, risk and crisis communication, journalism.
The four parts of Hauser's definition of rhetoric
What is Occasioned Discourse, Addressed to an Audience, Practical Discourse, and Coordinated Social Action
From the Steve Harvey clip in lecture, this stand-up be understood from both a rhetorical and a cultural perspective. What would these analyses look like?
Rhetorical: : good stand-up comedians know how to use communicative resources (here, “talking Black” and “talking White”) to make people laugh Cultural: : it is okay for Blacks to caricature Blacks and Whites
Provide an example of a little-d discourse that is influenced by a Big-D discourse.
What is... whatever you come up with.
The two main claims of CCO
What is 1) Communication is a process of coordinated everyday action that creates, maintains, dismantles organizations. 2) Communication as a process is shaped by and engages with materiality.