About 6400KM
What is the radius of Earth?
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
What are the four main seasons?
Desert landform (answer: related to definition)
What landform is very dry without much vegetation and rainfall
Desert, Temperate, Polar, Mediterranean, Savannah and Tropical.
What are the 6 climate types?
Between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
Where is tropic located?
12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness
What does every place on Earth get on the day of equinox?
Forest landform (answer: related to definition)
What landform is the large area covered with trees and all kinds of vegetations?
Polar climate (answer: related to definition)
Places with which climate has long, cold winter and stays frozen all the time?
365 days (1 year)
How long does it take for Earth to complete a revolution?
When Moon passes between the Sun and the Moon.
When does the solar eclipse occur?
Mount Everest, Mount Fuji and Kilimanjaro
What are some examples of mountains?
Summer is hot and dry while winter is cool and wet.
How are summer and winter like in places with mediterranean climate?
In which direction does Earth rotate?
Summer (answer: related to 'length of shadow')
In which season does the shadow appear shortest?
Greenland, Antarctica, and many of the world's higher mountain ranges.
Where can we find glacier landform?
Weather refers to shorter term state in smaller area.
How is climate different to weather?
Northern and Southern Hemisphere
What does Equator divide the Earth into?
Rotation of tilted Earth
What causes the length of day/nighttime to be different in different seasons?
Plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions.
What are some examples of internal factors that influence landforms?
Tropical climate (answer: related to seasons)
Places with which climate has wet season and dry season?