This describes an individuals ability to communicate appropriately in different social contexts.
What is communicative competence?
The four main ethical principles of ethnography.
What are honesty, informed consent, confidentiality, do no harm?
A pidgin becomes this when a generation of children begins to speak it as their first language.
What is a creole?
The process of one language gradually replacing another.
What is language shift?
Cultural beliefs about language and language variation, specific language varieties, and beliefs about the role of language in society
What are language ideologies?
The socially dominant language that supplies
most of the vocabulary.
What is superstrate?
This type of meaning refers to how language is used to accomplish particular ends or goals.
What is pragmatic meaning?
The word "spork" is an example of this.
What is a portmanteau?
A type of bilingualism where there is a gradual loss of the subordinate language over time.
What is transitional bilingualism?
Pierre Bourdieu proposed this theory that describes a type of social prestige that is not derived from wealth.
What is symbolic capital?
This type of meaning is associated with participants social identities and/or relationships with another.
What is indexical meaning?
Micro-sociolinguistic analysis developed in
the 1970s by Sacks & Schegloff
What is conversation analysis?
Words in related languages that developed
from the same ancestral root
What are cognates?
The three registers of Anglo Spanish.
What are Cowboy Spanish, Nouvelle Spanish, and Mock Spanish?
This linguistic phenomenon marks the transition from Middle English to Modern English.
What is the Great Vowel Shift?
Sequences of two utterances
produced by two different speakers
What are adjacency pairs?
Specific words developed within a community.
What are pet words?
Moving the place of articulation closer to the palate
(Relating to phonetic plausibility strategies)
What is palatalization?
The act or practice of conspicuously displaying one's awareness of and attentiveness to political issues, matters of social and racial justice, etc., especially instead of taking effective action
What is virtue signaling?
The four languages featured in the film "The Linguists".
What is Sora, Chulym, Kallawaya, and Chemehuevi?
The sharing of words from one language
to another.
What is lexical borrowing?
Dell Hymes developed this to serve as a guide for ethnographic fieldwork and cross-cultural analysis.
What is the S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G model?
a mathematical means for determining degrees of language separation and translating that information into a measure of time
What is glottochronology?
Simultaneous talk
What is overlapping?
In transcription conventions, "=" signifies this.
What is latching?