This refers to the weakening of an inhibition or restraint through exposure to a model
What is disinhibition?
Explain Rotter's theory of locus of control and the two types.
What is a theory that some individuals believe that their reinforcers depend on their own actions and others believe that their reinforcers are controlled by other people and outside forces. The two types are internal and external.
What are the three kinds of happiness and give an example of each?
What is pleasant life, engaged life, and meaningful life?
Which two developmental factors is Freud most associated with?
What are parental and unconscious factors?
List and describe your favorite thing you learned about in this class and why?
What is self-efficacy according to Bandura and what are the two ways we can enhance our self-efficacy?
What is feelings of adequacy, efficiency, and competence in coping with life and meeting and maintaining our performance standards?
What common characteristics can be seen in an individual with high locus of controls?
What is living in wealthy, individualistic cultures, performs better in school, not become addicted to Internet use, etc.?
A branch of psychology that deals with happiness, excellence, and optimal human functioning.
What is positive psychology?
This theorist stated that people are governed by a conscious perception of themselves.
Who is Carl Rogers?
What are characteristics of children with high levels of internal locus of control?
What is having supportive parents, offered more praise for achievements, were consistently disciplined, and had their independence encouraged?
How did Bandura propose that we learn and what is it?
What is vicarious reinforcement? It refers to the observation of other's behaviors and examining the consequences of that behavior.
What are common characteristics of children with higher levels of external locus of control?
What is having no male role model, have many siblings, comes from single-parent homes, and have depressed mothers?
This can be used as a torture technique by the CIA and can occur in situations where one is subjected to continuous intrusive stimuli over which he/she does not have control
What is learned helplessness?
This theorist said that social environment shapes genetic factors.
Who is Allport?
Name the three scales that measure sensation seeking?
What are the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS), the Need Inventory of Sensation Seeking, and the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale?
What are the four governing mechanisms of observational learning?
1) attentional: we develop our cognitive processes enough to imitate displayed behavior
2) retention: where we remember or repeat the behavior at a later time
3) production: translates the mental images or verbal meanings of the model's behavior into our own behaviors
4) incentive/motivational processes where we perceive that the model's behaviors leads to a reward
What are the two self-report inventories that Rotter developed?
What are the Internal-External (I-E) Scale and the Children's Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Scale?
Describe the attributes of individuals who score high in optimism according to research related to Seligman's theory?
What is they get sick less often and experience less stress, live longer, recover faster from the death of a family member, earn better grades, etc.?
This theorist emphasized on the necessity of parents to satisfy a child's physiological and safety needs?
Who is Abraham Maslow?
A term Bandura created that describes research participants being instructed to imagine a model coping with with feared or threatening situations?
What is covert modeling?
What are the three factors found to influence modeling according to Bandura?
1) the characteristics of the models affect our tendency to imitate them
2) the characteristics or attributes of the observers also determine the effectiveness of observational learning
3) the reward consequences associated with the behaviors can affect the extent of the modeling and even override the impact of the models' and observers' characteristics
What are the types of sensation seeking and give examples of each?
What are good and bad type? Good type is characterized by non-impulsive socialized sensation seeking and involves thrill and adventure seeking component. The bad type includes impulsive unsocialized sensation seeking with high scores on disinhibition, experience seeking, and boredom susceptibility components.
What is the style that describes explaining to oneself the relative lack of control over one's own environment? More specifically, explain the two types of this term?
What is explanatory style with optimistic and pessimistic style?
What are the six different types of factors that influence the development of your personality?
What are environmental, genetic, learning, parental, developmental, and conscious and unconscious factors?
This term created by Bandura is much like other theorist's conscience or superego and it regulates much of our behavior.
What is self-reinforcement?