Literary Devices & Figurative Language
Notice & Note Signposts
Nonfiction Text Structures
Point of view
More nonfiction text structures practice
Giving inanimate objects humanlike triats

What is personification? 


The anchor question for this Notice & Note signpost is What does this make me wonder about?

What is a tough question?


The below passage is organized using this type of nonfiction text structure. 

The majestic eagle and the delicate hummingbird embody the extremes of avian grace and power. The eagle, on the other hand, with its broad wingspan and piercing eyes, soars effortlessly at great heights, commanding the skies with an air of regal dominance. Its powerful talons and beak make it a formidable predator, striking fear into the hearts of its prey. In stark contrast, the hummingbird flits about with rapid, darting movements, its wings beating so swiftly they become a blur. This tiny marvel hovers with precision, sipping nectar from flowers with its slender beak, embodying a delicate, almost ethereal beauty. While the eagle dominates through strength and grandeur, the hummingbird captivates with its agility and charm, each bird a testament to the diverse splendor of the avian world.

What is compare and contrast?


The below passage is written using this point of view. 

Sure thing! Here's a few sentences in first person point of view:

I woke up to the gentle warmth of the morning sun streaming through my window, casting a golden glow on the walls of my room. Stretching lazily, I glanced at the clock and realized I had overslept again. With a sigh, I dragged myself out of bed and began the familiar routine of getting ready for the day ahead.

What is 1st person point of view?


The below passage is organized using this nonfiction text structure:

At dawn, dolphins begin their day by gathering in pods, socializing with playful clicks and whistles. As the sun rises higher, they embark on a coordinated hunt, working together to herd schools of fish into tight balls, making it easier to catch their prey. By midday, having satisfied their hunger, the dolphins often engage in leisurely activities, such as riding the waves created by passing boats or leaping gracefully out of the water. In the afternoon, they may rest near the surface, taking turns sleeping while others keep watch for predators. As evening approaches, the pod becomes more active again, engaging in synchronized swimming and acrobatic displays as a form of social bonding and communication. Finally, as dusk settles, the dolphins slow down, preparing to rest and conserve energy for the next day’s adventures, continuing their dynamic cycle of life in the ocean.

What is chronological order?


the author's attitude towards what he or she is writing about

What is a tone?


The anchor question for this Notice & Note signpost is "Why does this keep coming up?"

What is an again & again moment?


The below passage is organized using this type of nonfiction text structure:

The decline in the population of songbirds can be directly attributed to habitat loss, primarily caused by deforestation and urban expansion. As forests are cleared to make way for agricultural fields and urban developments, the trees that provide essential nesting sites and food sources for these birds are rapidly disappearing. Consequently, songbirds struggle to find suitable habitats to breed and feed, leading to a decrease in their numbers. As a result, the fragmentation of their natural environment disrupts migratory patterns, making it harder for them to survive seasonal changes. This habitat loss not only affects their ability to thrive but also impacts the ecosystems that depend on their roles as pollinators and insect controllers, demonstrating a cascading effect on biodiversity.

What is cause/effect?


The below passage is written using this type of point of view:

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and gold, the small coastal town stirred to life. Fishermen prepared their boats for a day out at sea, their voices carrying on the salty breeze. Seagulls swooped and dove, their cries mingling with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. In the town square, vendors set up stalls, displaying fresh produce and handmade crafts for the bustling morning market. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm embrace over the landscape, the rhythm of daily life continued, each moment a thread woven into the rich tapestry of the day.

What is 3rd person objective? 


The below passage is organized using which nonfiction text structure:

Dolphins and sharks, though both inhabitants of the ocean, exhibit strikingly different characteristics and behaviors. Dolphins, with their sleek, smooth bodies and expressive eyes, are known for their intelligence and complex social structures. They communicate using a sophisticated system of clicks, whistles, and body movements, often working together in pods to hunt and protect one another. In contrast, sharks are solitary creatures with a reputation for their formidable predatory skills. Their rough, sandpaper-like skin and sharp teeth contribute to their fearsome appearance. While dolphins rely on agility and teamwork, sharks depend on stealth and strength. Despite these differences, both dolphins and sharks play crucial roles in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems, showcasing the diverse adaptations of oceanic life.

What is compare/contrast text structure?


The weary old house groaned under the weight of its memories, its windows watching the world with a solemn, knowing gaze, and its doors whispering secrets from generations past. an example of this type of figurative language. 

What is personification?

Johnny standing up to Dally in the move theatre, and telling him to leave Cherry and Marcia alone, is an example of this notice & note signpost.

What is a contrast & contradiction moment?


The below passage is organized using which nonfiction text structure? 

At dawn, the robin begins its day with a series of melodious songs, filling the morning air with cheerful notes. As the sun rises, it hops along the dew-covered grass, searching for its breakfast of worms and insects. Once it has satisfied its hunger, the robin flits to a nearby tree, meticulously gathering twigs and grass to reinforce its nest. By midday, it settles on a branch, preening its rust-orange breast and sleek feathers. As afternoon turns to evening, the robin returns to its nest, where it tends to its eggs, ensuring they are warm and safe. As dusk approaches, it sings one last song before the twilight, then tucks itself into its cozy nest, ready to rest and prepare for another cycle of the day.

What is sequential order?


"You" is an example of a pronoun used in this point of view.

2nd person point of view


The below passage is organized using which nonfiction text structure:

Dolphins face the pressing problem of entanglement in fishing nets, which can lead to injury or death. This issue arises primarily from commercial fishing practices, where dolphins accidentally get caught in nets intended for other marine species. To address this, researchers and conservationists have developed several innovative solutions. One effective approach is the implementation of dolphin-safe fishing gear, such as nets with built-in escape hatches that allow dolphins to swim free while retaining the catch. Additionally, the use of acoustic devices, known as pingers, attached to nets can deter dolphins by emitting sounds that warn them to stay away. Through these methods, the incidence of dolphin entanglement has significantly decreased, helping to protect these intelligent creatures and ensure their survival in the wild.

What is problem/solution?


These are the 3 qualities any theme statement must have.

1. be an observation about a general topic/not give advice

2. be a complete sentence

3. be universal (applicable to any text)


The anchor question for this signpost is "What is the life lesson, and how might it impact the character?"

What is a Words of the Wiser moment?


The below passage is organized using this type of nonfiction text structure:

The kingfisher is a striking spectacle of vibrant colors and poised elegance. Its feathers shimmer with iridescent hues of electric blue and emerald green, creating a dazzling display that catches the sunlight as it perches by the water's edge. The bird's sharp, spear-like beak is perfectly adapted for snatching fish from beneath the surface, and its keen eyes can detect the slightest movement in the water. With a body that is compact yet robust, the kingfisher exhibits a remarkable blend of agility and power. Its swift, direct flight is characterized by rapid wing beats, and when it dives, it does so with pinpoint accuracy and graceful fluidity, making it a true marvel of nature's design.

What is description?


When the reader can hear only the main character's thoughts, the author has used this point of view to write the story. 

3rd person limited


The below passage uses this nonfiction text structure:

In the azure expanse of the ocean, dolphins emerge as graceful ambassadors of the deep, captivating observers with their sleek, streamlined bodies and captivating behaviors. Their smooth, glistening skin, adorned with shades of silver, gray, and white, reflects the sunlight as they glide effortlessly through the water. With each powerful stroke of their flippers, they propel themselves forward, leaving behind trails of shimmering bubbles. Their playful antics, characterized by acrobatic leaps and spins, epitomize their joyous spirit and boundless energy. Their distinctive curved dorsal fins slice through the air with precision, signaling their presence to the world above.

What is description?


The mind is a labyrinthine garden, where thoughts bloom, their petals unfurling in the hidden corners of our consciousness, nourished by the fertile soil of curiosity and watered by the springs of experience.

... is an example of this type of figurative language.

What is a metaphor?

Holling standing up to his father at the Bar Mitzvah is an example of this notice and note moment.

What is a Contrast & Contradiction moment?


The below passage is used organized using which nonfiction text structure?

The endangered California condor faces the critical problem of habitat destruction and lead poisoning, which threaten its survival. As their natural habitats diminish due to urban development and environmental changes, these majestic birds struggle to find safe nesting sites and adequate food sources. Additionally, they suffer from lead poisoning, which occurs when they ingest carcasses contaminated with lead bullets. To combat these issues, conservationists have implemented a two-pronged solution. First, they have established protected areas and sanctuaries to preserve and restore the condor’s natural habitat. Second, they have launched a lead ammunition ban in key regions and conduct regular health check-ups and clean-ups to ensure that condors are not exposed to lead. Through these concerted efforts, the population of California condors is gradually recovering, offering hope for the future of this magnificent species.

What is problem/solution?


The below passage is written in this point of view.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Sarah and Jack sat on the weathered bench by the lake, their hearts heavy with unspoken feelings. Sarah stole glances at Jack, her thoughts swirling with longing and uncertainty, while Jack wrestled with his own emotions, unsure of how to bridge the gap between friendship and something more. In the fading light, Sarah finally mustered the courage to speak, her voice trembling as she began to express the depths of her affection. And in that moment, beneath the tranquil sky, their unspoken desires hung in the air, poised to change the course of their relationship forever.

What is 3rd person omniscient?


The below passage is organized using which text structure? 

The decline in dolphin populations can be attributed to several interconnected factors. One primary cause is habitat degradation, as coastal development and pollution disrupt the delicate balance of marine ecosystems that dolphins rely on for food and shelter. Additionally, overfishing reduces the availability of prey species, forcing dolphins to travel greater distances in search of food, which can lead to malnutrition and weakened immune systems. Furthermore, human activities such as shipping and recreational boating pose a direct threat to dolphins, increasing the risk of collisions and injuries. These cumulative stressors have cascading effects on dolphin populations, including decreased reproductive success and higher mortality rates. If left unchecked, these factors could have devastating long-term consequences for the survival of these intelligent and charismatic marine mammals.

What is cause and effect?