Name one disease that can affect this system
Heart failure, Arteriosclerosis, Arrhythmia, Atherosclerosis
Name 2 organs of the circulatory system
Heart, arteries, veins, blood vessels
What does the heart do for the circulatory system in YOUR OWN words
Anything along the lines of "Pumps blood to all cells of the body."
True or false : Another word for the circulatory system is the Cirvacilacal system
This disease happens when people use unhealthy diets, illegal substances, and cocaine.
Heart Failure
How many organs did we talk about?
This organ carries blood away from the heart
The arteries
How do you prevent Arrhythmia
Get active, get some sleep, get exercise
Blank can happen with obesity, no activity and un-healthy diets. This effects the heart. What is blank?