This superhero faced 2 previous versions of himself in his latest movie?
The name of our textbook?
Tell Me Who You Are
The meaning of the 3 letters that name this building?
Community Education Building
Students refer to this establishment as B-Dubs?
Buffalo Wild Wings
What does IEP stand for?
Individual Education Plan
David Banner becomes this hero?
Incredible Hulk
(Bonus: what was the Hulks original name?)
What does LGBTQ stand for?
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer
The Student Teaching Coordinator and Study Abroad Coordinator at UD
Vicki Goettel
Popular dessert spot for those that can't sleep?
Insomnia Cookie
IDEA stands for?
Individuals with Disability Act
This hero was portrayed by the late great Chadwick Boseman?
Black Panther
(Bonus: Black Panthers Real Name?)
The authors of our book frequently us the term "Cultural _________"
Name the 2 student centers on main campus.
(Think small cars and pancakes)
Trabant & Perkins
This always busy spot started as a small shop in Seattle, Washington.
Name a type of specific learning disability?
Reading, Writing or Math
Scarlet Witch's real name?
Wanda Maximoff
The antiquated and sometimes offensive LEP or ESL labels have been replaced with?
ELL - English Language Learners or "Multilingual" Learners
This avenue is prone to parties or students walking to parties?
Best place to find Marvel or DC on Main Street?
Captain Blue Hen Comics
Students with this diagnosis may be:
inattentive, hyperactive or combined type.
Name of Black Widow's sister?
Yelena Belova
What is the official name of this course?
Cultural Diversity, Schooling and the Teacher
On the first floor of Willard Hall, next to the Elevator is this much used teacher location?
(Bonus if you know what it stands for?)
If you are seeking delicious North African - Moroccan cuisine, you can visit Phil's favorite restaurant. Just don't spend too much time in the Hookah Lounge.
Ali Baba
An IEP is only for K-12 students but this "Plan" can go with you to college.
"504" or accommodations plan