Final Jeopardy Questions

This area that includes several countries got its name because the colonizers spoke Spanish, French & Portuguese.

What is Latin America?


In 2019, at a 60th anniversary event in Detroit, this producer announced his retirement saying he had “come full circle”.

Who is Berry Gordy?


Constructed during the Ming Dynasty, this ancient structure is the longest wall in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What is the Great Wall of China?


Discovered in 1928, this groundbreaking substance revolutionized medicine by combatting bacterial infections.

What is penicillin? 


Japanese language uses three writing forms; name two of them. 

What are Katakana, Hiragana, and Kanji?

Katakana mainly uses borrowed words from foreign languages. On the other hand, Hiragana is the basic writing format. Kanji also makes use of borrowed characters from the Chinese language to signify a particular character or word.