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What sparked Audre Lorde to write the essay “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action”

Facing the possibility of death by breast cancer. 


When should you write a CV instead of a Resume?

When is when you are applying for an academic position and when you have built up enough experience within one particular field


From what book did we read the following quote? (Include title and author) 

“And what I’ve learned from almost a decade of research into our mo‘olelo is

that our old stories have preserved for us an abundance of ‘new’ visions”

What is Remembering our Intimacies: Moʻolelo, Aloha ʻĀina, and Ea by Jamaica Heolimeleikakalani Osorio


Which two frogs were presented on by students in this class?

Bonus points for also identifying scientific names

(students in question may not answer) 

What is the Coqui Frog and the Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog


What is a zine? 

A zine is a punk, DIY publication which mixes art, personal reflection, theory, and information into one easily disseminated item.


What is the term for “the use of storytelling and speculative narration as a means of redressing history‘s omissions, particularly those in the lives of enslaved people. 

Bonus point: In what book is this theory described? Who is the author? 

What is critical fabulation?

Bonus: What is Lose Your Mother, Who is Saidiya Hartman


Who was the bookmaker introduced to us in the video ”I Make Books” and what was the information/story/purpose of the video

Who is Martha Hall and what is: to document Martha Hall’s archive of books, her reason for bookmaking, specifically that she started making books as a way to document her experience with cancer and communicate with her doctors


Which author produced a text which features female empowerment, authority/power, and religion? 

Bonus: What is the name of the text? (must include both names) 

Who is Janelle Monae

What is Django Jane from Dirty Computer


What fad discussed in class perpetuates colorism, poses significant health risks, and reinforces social inequalities? 

(the student whose research project revolves around this may not answer nor may they help their group in answering this question)

What is Skin Bleaching


What is Prof. River’s office location (specific to #)?

What is Kuykendall 425


What does Dian Million mean (and what is she referring to) when she says “Our voices rock the boat, and perhaps the world… Our voices are dangerous”? 

What is: that felt knowledge is a form of knowledge that is powerful, and when indigenous women create spaces to bear witness to and verbalize their experiences they are able to make changes in the world and challenge the current systems which seek to suppress Indigenous power through violence 


What are the five modes of multimodality? 

What is linguistic, visual, gestural, spatial, audio.


Which author wrote the following quote: 

“Consciously anticolonial, my own work is also consciously indigenous. Like most Native people, I do not perceive the world of creative writing as divided into categories of prose and poetry or fiction and nonfiction. Nor do I imagine myself crossing from political resistance into artistic creation and then back again. Life is a confluence of creativities: art is a fluid political medium, as politics is metaphorical and artistic.”

Bonus pt: What is the name of the article this quote is from (one pt for main title, one pt for subtitle)

Who is HaunanI-Kay Trask 

What is “Writing in Captivity: Poetry in a Time of Decolonization


What are the mitigations, and within which context, suggested for the rapid development of AI technologies (specifically video and image creation)

(the student whose research project revolves around this may not answer nor may they help their group in answering this question)

What is new policies to be made by the government to prevent the use of doctored or fully fake video and photographic evidence within legal trials. Specific mitigations include: disclosure of computer generated images, signatures for all images created by AI


What is an exquisite corpse

What is an activity where each individual participates in the act of creating a piece of art without having all of the context for the previous person’s addition. In class we specifically wrote poetry lines and passed papers around, creating multiple class written poems


(Show Painting)
What is the context and purpose of this painting? 

What is Cruikshank’s print relates to the notorious case of Captain John Kimber of the merchant ship Recovery. William Wilberforce accused Kimber of brutally assaulting and murdering a teenage slave girl, who refused to dance on deck.


What “takes your writing one step further and entails making an evaluative claim about your experience” and “tends to discuss what happened, why it matters, and how it contributes to the effectiveness of your work or experience“?

What is critical reflection 


Which author wrote the following quote and in what context: 

“This is the country I live in.”

Bonus pt: Name the book (1) and chapter title (1)

Who is Alexander Chee/police brutality against AIDS protests

What is How to Write an Autobiographical Novel chapter “1989”


When did the first recorded game crash for Tetris happen? 

(the student whose research project revolves around this may not answer nor may they help their group in answering this question)

When is December 21, 2023 (just the year is fine) 


What is (with as much specificity as possible) Professor River’s dissertation project about? 

What is a project which looks at queer Indigenous speculative fiction centered around indigenous futurisms. The project specifically looks at care work within and through these stories and their capacity to care for queer Indigenous peoples who engage with them, and hold the possibilities for future, more caring, worlds. 


Name 3 argument tests from Wendy Belcher’s guide

(Bonus point for additional answers)

Agree/disagree; Gut test; Immediate Dispute; Puzzle Answer; Topic; Observation; Obvious; Variable; Gap/Overlooked; Speculative  


From their CV, How many different academic teaching positions has Prof. River been in? 

What is 9 total different classes, or 5 different positions at different universities 


Who wrote the following quote: 

“The truth about stories is that that’s all we are. You can’t understand the world without telling a story… there isn’t a center to the world but a story” 

Who is Thomas King


Which professor in the Asian Studies department was interviewed for a multimodal project this semester? 

(the student whose research project revolves around this may not answer nor may they help their group in answering this question)

Who is Professor Chizuko Allen

What is the purpose of the bill SCR13 passed by the Hawaiʻi State House just with a vote of 48 to 3

The first ceasefire resolution passed by a “state” in the US for the genocide happening in Gaza. A call on the President to act to stop his contribution and support of the genocide of Palestinian people