Say a 3d shape
What is a cone, sphere, cube ......
In this ancient culture, the gods had an animal head
What is the Egyptian culture
At this level of the food pyramid, I have bread, corn, pasta...
What are grains and cereals?
The following preposition of movement....
What is behind
How many planets does the solar system have?
What is 8
This is the study of shapes.
What is geometry
This ancient culture lived in Mexico and Central America.
What is Maya culture?
Say 1 traditional treatment
What is ginger?
What is a shaman?
What is magic?
My ear hurts!!
What is earache
In this ancient culture, only boys could go to school.
What is the Greek culture.
What is the following temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?
What is 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
This object shows the cardinal directions
What is a compass?
This dinosaur had sharp teeth, a big head, and small arms.
What is a T-rex
How much or how many
What is how much
Write the cantons of Tungurahua
What is Cevallos
What is Pelileo
What is Píllaro
What is Quero
What is Patate
What is Baños
What is Mocha
What is Tisaleo
What is Ambato
7 x 8 =
What is 56
This ancient culture created the Olympic Games
What is the Greek culture?
This was a doctor who healed people by singing and dancing.
What is a shaman?
People used to honor gods in
What is a temple?
This is an old story that explains things in nature: the sun, the rain, the mountains, and even volcanoes!
What is a myth
45 + 39=
What is 84
Name the main gods from the following ancient cultures.
What is Ra?
What is Zeus?
What is Kukulkan?
What is Inti?
This fossil is an.......
What is an ammonite
Write 3 Wh questions
What is who
What is where
What is when
What is what
What are the names of the Three Juanes of Ambato?
What is Juan Montalvo
What is Juan Leon Mera
What is Juan Benigno Vela